12/17/19 - I have a wishlist for my kids. Would it be wrong to create a wishlist for my dad who I'm the primary caretaker? I don't want problems or anyone thinking I am up to no good, but he has the mind of a child & don't want him forgotten.

12/17/19 - “Dad keeps falling out of wheelchair. Asks for suggestions. Says saving Dad is the reason she’s behind rent.”

12/18/19 - “Could anyone help me with the items for my dad at least? He keeps falling out of his wheelchair and is severely disabled. He doesn't understand why he doesn't get gifts. I am responsible for him. Thank you so much!!!”

12/18/19 - #littychristmas I have items for my kids and disabled dad on my wishlist.

12/18/19 - “Thank you! I found a seat BELT that will fit. I added it to my amazon wishlist along with a few more things for him.”

12/22/19 - #PinkSandBoxSamaritans step in and helps @JasmineMTheBest’s need.

1/3/20 - Mentions transportation being $157 and $300 in scripts and illnesses.

1/4/20 - “So far I have managed to pay all my bills but I am short for my electric and nothing for my cell PHONES. BUT my kids are getting better and have what they needed. Even when it's bad, count your blessings. Things can always be worse.”

1/5/20 - “I managed to get an extension for my cell bill but my electric won't let me. I am short $187. Can anyone help? (I really hate to ask!!)”

1/7/20 - 'Got exten. on electric until 21st but will not have any income until the 1st. By then it will be 2 bills. total of $375. My sons are still on the nebulizer for walking pneumonia with refrigerated meds. Don't qualify for help. Plz rt?'

1/7/20 - Receives advice to contact Electric Company and request a medical form for doctor to sign to avoid getting electric shut off. Also advised to search for school social worker for resources. Has dr. fill out form. 10 days to process.

1/10/20 - “4 of my kids birthdays are coming [Name] age 7 on 1/3, [Name] and [Name] age 10, 2/7, [Name] age 17, 2/13 Things are beyond tight. I created a wishlist if anyone would like to help we would appreciate it! Thanks so much!! RT?”

1/20/20 "Is it just me? I see people asking for money for food, diapers, gas but their nails are done. Dont make sense to me."

1/20/20 - "Like my kids depend on the electric for the medical equipment and as a mom I can't help but freak out that we are being shut off on WEDNESDAY. I am just being emotional. I am sorry."

1/20/20 - “I go $50 from BC for Thanksgiving and Sam bought my wishlist for Christmas I also won $10 from a game and someone else won and gave me $10. So I am not without help. It's just frustrating seeing the scammers and grifters.”

1/26/20 - “Electric is $372.72 due by the 31st now. I don't qualify for any assistance from the community and they haven't processed my app for medically needy.”