#GoodID #DigitalID #africalawtech #hudumanamba #NIIMS @BonyoLinda @AfricaLawTech @NubianRights @thekhrc @OmidyarNetwork @iam_anandv

One: by @NubianRights, @thekhrc @HakiKNCHR
The other by @OkiyaOmtatah
They read a summary of their findings.
It allows for collection of GPS data and sets up NIIMS
The petitioners @NubianRights @thekhrc Were joined by @MUHURIkenya @InformAction_KE
Director of NRB
Speaker of National Assembly
Cs interior
Ps interio
Lack of senate participation
Marginilization of Nubian community and other vulnereable communities
Threat to privacy
Lack of public participation.
I. The process of enactment of the Act was constitutional
Is the informatiom collected intrusive?
Are rights of children violated?
Is there sufficient data protection laws ?
The court notes there are roles to be played by Parliament, the Executive and Civil society.
It explains the role of senate in enactment of Law.
The functions given to the county under the constitution did not include enactment of a national register.
The data collected isn't supported by stated purposes.
Article 31 of the constitution guides against the right to privacy
Court notes that the data capture form issued during registration of Niims allowed one to.give consent
There was also no existing legislation at the timeof collection of data that required data subjects to give consent
With regard to the fact the collection of GPS information will lead to surveillance
The respondents submit that reliable data is necessary for the state to offer security to its citizens and establish a single source of identification
Further right to privacy isn't absolute
The court referred to report of Art 29 which states : data should have attributes that are universal,unique and permanent
Thus biometric data required meets this criteria
The #DPA 2019 provides provision for protection of children' s data.
Including subsidiary legislation to be made by the data protection commissioner
open source or not
They however don't depend on the centralisation of the database.
The right to privacy isn't absolute and can be limited where its justifiable under art. 24
It also may cause harm to the data subject. Therefore the can be no collection of DNA n GPS without empowering legislation
The implemenntation of niims will affect members of nubian community
Further implementation of huduma number will deny them servuces
Court notes that differential treatment is in allowed in certain circumstances
There are conditions to be issued with identity documents.
Parties presented two scenarios 1. Mandatory use of niims will lead to exclusion fr govt service due to lack of citizenship documentation
2. Access will Be easy as data will Be available
Each party shall bear its own costs
Court finds nothing from its analysis that supports the enjoinder of a person in the suit for acting in their official capacity.
As it violates freedom of media
Amendment to s24 of pFMA is unconstitutionan null & void
Collection of DNA is uncostitutional
Final orders issued in the summary judgement. Final judgement available from Tuesday