Most diets lead to short-term weight loss.
Lose 10 pounds, regain 15.
I talk about lowering your bf set-point, PERMANENTLY. Lean and healthy for life, rather than for a couple of weeks.
Which means:
- Heart attacks
- Lower energy
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Worsened family life
So you've got to get out of this condition, PERMANENTLY.
Here's how:
An extended fast offers you:
*A hormonal revamp
*An elimination of your sugar addiction
*Rapid momentum-gaining (which creates a positive upward spiral)
Let me explain more:
Low testosterone
High estrogen
High cortisol
High insulin
But an extended fast will change all this, FAST.
Especially if you train properly during one and take the necessary supplements.
It's impossible to consume enough calories from meat, eggs, veggies, etc. to get to 30% bf.
If you don't believe me, TRY it.
30%+ bf comes from SUGAR.
And an extended fast will eliminate this sweet tooth.
It's not enough to lose 10-15 pounds and then regain it.
You've got to transition into the right set-up:
- OMAD/18:6/14:10
- Appropriate calorie intake
- Solid macros
- Good cardio routine
You'll also need to adapt these over time.
The goal is to carry you from wherever you left off from the 72 hr fast, ALL the way to 15% or less.
Here's how:
OMAD seems to be amazing for Men Over 40.
16:8 may be more suitable for younger guys.
It's up to you to decide.
Simple as that.
I recommend monitoring WEEKLY bodyweight changes (not daily).
And if you're not losing weight week-to-week, you need to drop your calories a little.
- High Protein
- Enough EFA's (hormonal regulation)
- Low carbs on 'off days', moderate carbs on training days
Protein is king. Never forget that.
A) Enjoyable
B) Sustainable
If you get this right, it will REALLY help to carry you to a lean bf % over the long-term, due to the sheer 'buffer' against being in a calorie surplus, especally if you're eating the right foods.
*A chiselled physique
*Perfect hormonal health
*A narrow waistline
All await you:
You'll lose fat.
You'll maintain muscle.
You'll SOAR towards 15% bf or less.
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