I mean, even a small lie can make a big impact
But for many people there’s a strong desire to get the "right" answer. Why shouldn’t that answer dictate how companies are built?
So, how did I end up at this sad spot in the night?
Oh, well, good night. Happy till we meet again.
So, if you're feeling strongly about something, expressing yourself in a way that reveals your true feelings is the best way to ensure that other people can take your feelings seriously
It's going to give you advice on how to do XYZ, and you're going to find it useful.
Trust me, it will be fun.
It’s really to enable a few to dominate a few more and exploit the rest for their benefit.
This is why profit seeking is a bad goal as it creates conditions for further domination by a few.
So, if you're willing to learn and tackle the unknown, I suggest learning about entrepreneurship. Then apply to @wingify