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"What should we be doing in light of the fact that we are all terribly temporary?" @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber "Most of us haven't even stopped for 10 minutes today to just consider our reality and how special it is to just have the few moments of breath we have." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber "What should we really be thinking about since age is just a number? We don't choose the date we're born, we don't choose the date we leave here, but we do have a choice in what we do in the dash." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber "Your politicians are like wolves prowling and killing and rapaciously taking whatever they want. Your preachers cover up for the politicians by pretending to have received visions and special revelations....Extortion is rife, robbery is epidemic, the poor and needy are abused...
@RevDrBarber ...outsiders are kicked around at will, with no access to justice." (Ezekiel 22
@RevDrBarber "You love to go through a lot of religion - but on your fast days, you do it for profit. And on your ceremony days, you drive your employees much too hard. You bicker and fight over who can extort them the most. That's why your prayers won't get off the ground as a nation....
@RevDrBarber "Do you think this is the kind of religion God wants? No! The kind of faith that God is after is to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts, share you food with the hungry, and invite the immigrants into your...
@RevDrBarber "own homes. And if you get rid of unfair practices against those who are poor and low wealth, if you quit blaming the victims, and quit gossiping about other people's lives, and if you are generous with the hungry, and if you help the down and out, then your light will glow...
@RevDrBarber "in the darkness, and your nation will be known as a repairer of the breech." (Isaiah 58)

"A nation must repent of driving its employees too hard, of going through religious ceremonies but then refusing to break the chains of injustice and not paying people a living...
@RevDrBarber "wage, and of not cancelling debts and not sharing food with the immigrant, and pushing the immigrant around.

"People will say 'Oh that Rev. Barber, he's reading out of his political agenda.' I am. God's." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber Matthew 25:31 "Jesus says: when the final day comes, every nation is going to be judged. It doesn't give an exclusion based on their military or their GDP. And the examination is going to be: "When I was hungry, did you feed me? When I was thirsty, out of breath, and out...
@RevDrBarber of hope, did you give me drink? When I was an immigrant did you welcome me? When I was without clothing, did you help me? Inasmuch nation, whatever that nation is, United States, Korea, Canada, when I was hungry... because one day from the ashes you have come, and to the ashes...
@RevDrBarber "you will return. And on that day, all that will matter is what you have done between the dates." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber The video starting at 23:45 and on from @UniteThePoor is an astoundingly powerful glimpse into poverty and the struggle against a broken system
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor "No one should have to bury their child in America because of a lack of health care."
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor "Nobody is listening - we have to find a way to make our voices heard."
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor For anyone who thinks @BernieSanders only yells, they need to watch this. Start at 33 minutes in. "There are millions of our people who are hurting...What we all have got to do is give people courage to speak out on their pain. People are embarrassed...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "and they say, 'It must be me. I am the only person in America who is earning a low wage. I must be the only person in America who can't afford healthcare. I must be the only person in America who is homeless.' Well, it turns out that there are 10s and 10s of millions...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "of people are hurting, and until people are willing to stand up and say 'hey this is what's going on in my life and it's wrong and we have to stand together to change that,' we will not bring about the fundamental changes that we need in this society. It's not easy to do, for...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "people to say they can't afford healthcare. Or, 'I'm 60 years of age and I have nothing in the bank for retirement.' But that's what we have to do." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "I remember as a kid reading called 'Life Magazine's History of WWII'.... And I would be crying when I saw what was happening to the slaughter of the Jewish people. And it turns out my father's family was wiped out by Hitler. That issue of justice - how does it happen...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "that a civilized nation like Germany, one of the most cultured nations in the world, falls for extreme white nationalism? A theory that says, 'I am an Aryan' - whatever that means - 'and somehow, that means I am superior to you.'... How does it happen that terrible things can
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "take place? That has left a lasting impact on who I am as a person." @BernieSanders

Poverty as a death sentence - "what happens to somebody who is worrying how they're going to put food on the table? what kind of stress does that put on someone? Poor people live under..."
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "...that stress everyday. It results in people living less everyday." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "140 million poor and low wealth people in this country. 66 million white, 26 million black, 21 million of our elders, 30 some million of our children, 64% are Latino, Latinx, or Asian....7 people died from vaping - and we called it a national emergency....
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "250000 people die each year from poverty. 700 people a day. 1/3 poor live in the south. South Carolina over 40% are poor." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "Billionaires got lots of problems - they need more tax breaks, they need more deregulation, they need to buy even more mansions." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "The cost to leave it like it is is worse than the cost to fix it" @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "I have seen patients after patients who have to decide between buying medications and buying groceries. I have actually seen patients getting amputated and going blind and having massive heart attacks and strokes because of simple diseases like diabetes and hypertension....
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "and when I see them for free, and write them a prescription for free, and they go to get it filled - do you know how much insulin costs?"
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "One out of 5 people can't afford to pay for the drugs their doctors prescribe." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "I proposed a radical idea - Reverend, you ready? I don't want you to fall off that chair." @BernieSanders

"Well, I read the Bible, so come on, let's see. I read some pretty radical stuff." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "Last I heard Canada wasn't a socialist country, or a communist country." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "The God I serve - he healed every leper and never charged them a copay. I'm always confused about people that don't even want to have the conversation." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "We have identified 5 moral issues that if they're not addressed, they're constitutionally inconsistent, morally indefensible, and economically insane: poverty, systemic racism, ecological devastation, the war economy and militarism, and the false moral narrative of religious...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "nationalism.... Insulting racism is most often a cover over policy (voter suppression, resegregation of public schools, mass incarceration, taking Native American lands and opening them up for drilling, and the continuing injustice towards immigrant brothers and sisters...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "particularly from Mexico and Africa. The children are still in prisons right now." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "Some of us are trying to make the South rise again - but not in the old way, but in a new way!" @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "The same states with the worst voter suppression are also the poorest states, the worst child poverty states, the worst women poverty states, the same states that refuse to pass a living wage, the same states that wouldn't even support Medicaid expansion. If in fact people...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "who get elected through racist voter suppression once they get elected they use their power to mostly hurt poor white people, in raw numbers, because there are 40 million more poor white people than there are black people. If that's the game they're playing, and Dr. King said...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "that would always be the game whenever black, white, and brown come together out of the South and build political power....If we don't deal with that, then we can't even get the power to deal with the other things." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "It really disgusts me that we have Republican governors and secretaries of state who don't have the guts to run for their office on their ideas - if you want to go out to the people and say, 'You know, I'm running for office and I want your vote, and I want to...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "'cut social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, ignore climate change, throw people off health care, and by the way, give huge tax breaks for billionaires - please vote for me!'" @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "But what really bothers me is that they think the only way that they can win is to suppress the vote. As soon as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights' Act, within days, there were Attorneys General all over the country-" @BernieSanders

"45 minutes in North Carolina...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders "they had it ready." - @wilsonhartgrove

"-to make it harder for people to vote so they can maintain big money control over the state, and certainly we have a president who is very sympathetic to that." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove DOJ that prosecutes states suppressing the vote. Automatic voter registration. Shortening voting lines - making election day a holiday. We have one of the smallest voter turnouts in the world. @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "If we don't start talking about this nationally - we have some idea what Russia did, but we know exactly what in the hell voter suppression has done - and I can't understand for the life of me how we are talking all about Russia, an external threat, and not about...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "an internal threat, when it's not William Barber or just our movement that's saying it was surgical racism, the courts have....Today is 2437 days since Congress could've fixed the Voting Rights' Act... Strom Thurmond filibustered the Civil Rights Act in 1957 and we called...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "him a racist. Filibustered for one day! Boehner, Ryan, McConnell have filibustered for 2437 days." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "I want the US to have highest voter turnout in the world." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "I happen to be old fashioned and believe in one person-one vote." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "If you can move 2-10% of low wealth and poor people and bring them in to expand the electorate, you could fundamentally change the nation." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "Poor people are telling us 'We aren't hearing our name. If they can't say our name now, how will they include us once they're in office?'" @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "As the son of an immigrant, I'm going to end the demonization of immigrants." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove Respect the treaties. End the ICE raids. Restore DACA rights day 1. @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "We play poor whites off against blacks. 80 years ago - you know where the lowest paid workers were in America? Here in the South. Low wages. What did they have? They could go to a water fountain that an African American couldn't. 'Boy, I'm so superior, I don't have any money...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "'I can't afford healthcare, but I can go to that water fountain. Wow, I'm pretty good.' That's the kind of games they play. And now, what Trump is doing is saying, 'Ok, we're going after the undocumented.' And we're supposed to hate the undocumented. And by the way, if I may...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "say so, before he was president, Trump didn't quite hate the undocumented because he hired hundreds of them so that he could exploit them at his resorts. He loved them then!" @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove Immigration reform. Path to citizenship. Bring people together under common humanity, basic human needs, "and we cannot let demagogues divide us up." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "We all care about each other, and we aren't going to allow someone to turn us against each other, then it's about whether America can be who she claims to be." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "Do not apologize for the speed with which we want to transform this nation. This is the wealthiest country in the history of this earth. There is no excuse for so many of our black and brown and white brothers and sisters to be living in poverty. There is no moral explanation...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "for why 87 million of us are uninsured or under-insured, why schools all over this country are providing inadequate education to low income kids. When we talk about urgency, what the scientists tell us, there is no moderation when it comes to climate change. We must be...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "extraordinarily bold because we want to make sure the planet we leave to our children and grandchildren is one that is habitable and healthy. So I think we speak to the urgency of the moment, the pain that is out there - not only in our country, but around the world - with...
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "the fervent hope that the United States of America can once again be a moral leader and a forthright leader for democracy and justice all over the world. That's the challenge we face, and that's why I'm running for president." @BernieSanders
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "The issue is not what I can do - but what we can do together." @RevDrBarber
@RevDrBarber @UniteThePoor @BernieSanders @wilsonhartgrove "If we can't be moderate as the climate is burning up, we can't be moderate as lives are being broken up. We have to stand together." @RevDrBarber
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