However, it was so SAD nothing from KPJ RAWANG.
What the CEO OF KPJ RAWANG do? It showed you're INCOMPETENT to handling issued as what MOH told.
@mkini_bm @SinarOnline @kpj_damansara
This is truely showed incompetent behaviour & against MOH order.
It seems CEO KPJ RAWANG is not aware the situation that country facing now.
@bharianmy @malaymail @KKMPutrajaya @kpj_healthcare @kkmm_gov
...the CEO of KPJ RAWANG is useless & doesn't aware the situation....
Please HELP ME to RT this until KPJ HQ know what is happening at KPJ RAWANG...
@DGHisham @PutraREFORMASI @KhalidSamad @TSDMujeebudeen @SyedSaddiq
I'm really condemned the CEO of KPJ RAWANG for reluctant to follow MOH instructions for any countermeasures.
Till today 19th March 2020 @ 1200hrs NO NOTICE AT ALL for visitor.
Even entering procedure also are NOT proper
@KKMPutrajaya @DGHisham
@kpj_damansara @mkini_bm
Why CEO of KPJ RAWANG reluctant & fail to follow MOH instructions?
For me, screening b4 enter at @McDonalds Rwg town are better than KPJ RAWANG
@fahmi_fadzil @NoorAminAhmad @MuhyiddinYassin @MKNJPM
Why CEO of KPJ RAWANG ignore instructions from govt by put sign & notice upon #COVID19? S.O.P worst!
Kindly highlight all the issue that happened at KPJ RAWANG...
Read my above...