A. On January 22, I called this a Pandemic in my post. When did @RealDonaldTrump receive a @ODNIgov briefing where word "pandemic"
was used in relation to the #WuhanOutbreak?
B. Where are the documents that evidence what steps the @WhiteHouse took to increase ventilator, hand-sanitizer and PPE production? What are the documents and who has them? Will you produce them or require citizens sue and seek?
C. How often does the @Whitehouse receive communication from people connected to #CharlesKoch? How does he communicate to the @Whitehouse? Is is @markmeadows or @WHNSC aid O'Brien?
D. How much does the Trump family have invested in Covid19 related Pharma? @maddow @Lawrence @CNN @Acosta @JonLemire @JRubinBlogger @PhilipRucker @kwelkernbc @GarrettHaake @margbrennan @mkraju @maggieNYT