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Thread for ‘but is this happening in schools’ #Edutwitter. Yes it is. Firstly personal testimony: “the school nurse had referred her to the school counsellor [who] informed [her] that a hatred of one’s breasts could be an indicator of a non-binary”…
More testimony: “I am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.” #Edutwitter #DiverseEd #LGBT…
More personal testimony: “We did request to see their transgender policy and it was kafkaesque – it repeatedly conflated sex & gender… & downplayed the effects of binders, blockers and hormones” #Edutwitter #WomeEd #PSHEPeeps…
Read 105 tweets
Ms O'Brien another one who talked over the phone many times swearing to me she was on my side who even done as #lammy done by coming to visit us in @HFEHMind claiming to be getting the @FullFact made @publicknowledge…
The whole leading me to believe she was a reporter for @LBWFculture who belongs to @PrideWaltham this explains why Zoie hasn't got a single maternal bone in her entire body or any connection to how @childneglectmat has on
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We are struggling to find the words for the despicable lack of #safeguarding these girls were subjected to. It is appalling that their boundaries were so eroded that they accepted this man, this rapist, in their class. What have we done to girls that they……
accept being told to strip in front of a man as part of a college course? This is widespread societal grooming that anybody has accepted any of this, ever. Did anybody at the college attend their #safeguarding training? Why were they not able to apply it to a real life situation?
Why was it not a massive red flag that a man wanted to attend a course where much younger women were undressing? How on earth did people who should have been safeguard trained not recognise this for the predatory behaviour that it was?
Read 6 tweets
Interesting thread from @Headteacherchat. We would say the greatest #safeguarding concern for schools at the moment is the sheer volume of children needing help. We seem to be witnessing our safeguarding frameworks failing on a national level. In our opinion both @educationgovuk
& @Ofstednews have an insufficient understanding of child protection to enable them to effectively safeguard the nations children. There seems to be no oversight & no accountability from anyone. This includes @ChildrensComm. @UKParliament is in complete dereliction of duty
& seems to have forgotten that under 18’s are children & that every child matters. Even worse than @Conservatives washing their hands of their duty of care, is @UKLabour failing to provide any effective opposition, they are missing in action, only occasionally appearing to point
Read 9 tweets
BREAKING THIS AFTERNOON: Congress Has Enough Evidence to Refer Former President Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for Federal Criminal Indictment and Prosecution—But Is Split on Doing So for Reasons That Only a Politician Would Ever Find Compelling…
PS/ Keep in mind that DOJ has a long and *illustrious* history—including under Merrick Garland specifically—of ignoring criminal referrals from Congress. So the idea that if Congress issues a referral and then DOJ indicts Trump it’ll seem like Congress made it happen is DERANGED.
PS2/ The amount you have to be up your own butt—thinking of optics, not *justice*—to say that a congressional referral would “politicize” a constitutionally mandated oversight function Congress has had since the 1700s is EXTRAORDINARY.

No one outside the Beltway thinks this way.
Read 11 tweets
"The two pharmaceutical firms were originally scheduled to deliver two million shots in the next seven days, but shipped 1.4 million of those doses last week instead in anticipation of the May long weekend." We got them EARLY. And CTV is trying to make it sound bad. WTAF?
Here is an example of how our news media (which are mostly owned by conservative interests in the US) spin the news to affect people's perceptions. 2/7
Most people only read headlines. CTV can't actually just make stuff up and pass it off as news, but they can present information in such a way as to control what a majority of people will take away from the article. 3/7
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@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler I'm not religious so I haven't studied the #Bible but it seems to me that this quote applies well to you. I'm tired of those who profess to be #Christians but are just plain #Hypocrites. My illiterate peasant g-mother couldn't read the Bible but she could.....
@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler 2. teach you & your #SelfProclaimedChristians buddies a thing or 2 about being #Good #Kind #Decent #HumanBeings. Before we left Portugal, I spent a lot of time w/my GM. I remember sitting at her kitchen table sharing a meal w/a beggar on more than 1 occasion. Our family was...
@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler 3. very #poor but there were others much poorer than us. The #beggars knew that when they knocked at my GM's door they'd be welcomed & that they'd always have at least a bowl of soup to eat! My GM & her equally #Illiterate daughter, my mother, both taught me to help those less...
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Let's be clear: the GOP playbook is and has been to disenfranchise as many Black voters as possible in Michigan. #AllEyesOnMI #DoYourJob #VotersDecided 1/
That is what any effort to stall certification today will be about. It's what the the recent RNC/MI GOP letter signed by @GOPChairwoman & @MIGOPChair was about. It's what attempts to obstruct Wayne County certification were about. 2/
Michigan is one of the most segregated state in the country. The state is between 75 - 80% white, while our largest city, Detroit, is over 90% people of color, over 80% Black. 3/
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@realDonaldTrump 1. @RealDonaldTrump What did you do yesterday? golf?watch TV? tweet AGAIN that you won? search for a 2012 tweet? sulk that you just keep loosing those feeble attempts by the #HasBeen @RudyGiuliani to #StealTheElection? Are you really paying him $20K a day? Did you remember.....
@realDonaldTrump 2.that millions of Americans need help to get thru the
#TrumpNightmare? Did you have a #Covid19TaskForce
meeting? How about working out a #BipartisanPlan to #DefeatCovid & then get the #Economy going? I could go on but I doubt that you did anything to help us!
@realDonaldTrump 3.Well I'm happy to report that my #PresidentElect did a least one thing yesterday to help him better understand how #RegularAmericans are faring these days! @JoeBiden met virtually w/a firefighter, a homecare worker, an ICU RN, & a teacher to talk about their experiences as...
Read 5 tweets

You had to know this was a coming. Four short years ago, countless Dems, media folks & bluechecks were telling you #WeNeedNine on the Supreme Court.

Yet now, as we head into an election that’ll surely be contested their convictions have evaporated.

It’s a long list.
To kick it off, we’ll start with none other than the man who led the #WeNeedNine push, @BarackObama.

Is it no longer “irresponsible” to not consider a SCOTUS nominee before one is even announced, Mr. President?
And what say you, @HillaryClinton? If @realDonaldTrump announces his nominee, will you agree that he has “met his responsibility” as well? And that the Senate should do the same?
Read 19 tweets
I would add: the Governor continuing to use the map as a way to whack districts that have made local judgements on what is safest for their students and staff is inappropriate. #MAEdu
#DoYourJob, Governor, and let us do ours.
Read 3 tweets
1. Just so the record is clear. I used to watch @MSNBC all day. It's been off, with a few exceptions, for the past three days. When @MSNBC gets this obvious sociopath off its network, I will return. @POTUS @WhiteHouse @CNN
2. But in fairness, the @WhiteHouse #PressCorps is equally to blame. Can they answer these questions? Have they asked and not gotten a response?

A. On January 22, I called this a Pandemic in my post. When did @RealDonaldTrump receive a @ODNIgov briefing where word "pandemic"
was used in relation to the #WuhanOutbreak?

B. Where are the documents that evidence what steps the @WhiteHouse took to increase ventilator, hand-sanitizer and PPE production? What are the documents and who has them? Will you produce them or require citizens sue and seek?
Read 5 tweets
HELLO Alberta! #ableg The UCP government is planning to PRIVATIZE lab services. This is part of our health care system. The first step, I expect, in privatizing all of it. Why is no one talking about this??? @CBCCalgary @CBCEdmonton THIS IS NEWS!!!! People care about health care.
Why is this news, you may ask... Well, it means that every time your doctor send you for a screening test - blood, urine, mammogram, colonoscopy, or for a diagnostic test - X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT-scan, etc., YOU will be paying directly for it.
Or perhaps you will be paying higher insurance premiums so they can pay for it on your behalf. In the US, insurers have a reputation for questioning and not covering some tests. The more tests you have, the more your premiums go up. Whether insurance covers them or not...
Read 6 tweets
@CBCNews The CBC NewsNetwork just had a guest, Martin Pelletier, and the discussion was on equalisation. Brilliant opportunity to provide some info on how equalisation works. But he didn't. Neither did host Andrew Nichols. Why can't the CBC educate on this? 1/4
Alberta does not send a cheque to Quebec. That is the popular notion here in Alberta, but it is not the way it works. All Canadians pay federal income taxes. The federal government takes a portion of this revenue pool and distributes it among provinces that are not 2/4
able to provide equal services to their citizens on their own, even while maxing out all possible provincial revenue sources. Alberta has the highest income level in Canada, so Albertans pay more taxes. This is where the idea that Alberta is funding Quebec comes from. 3/4
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The difference between us is @RepDLesko would rather deal in fear and inaction, while I prefer solutions. We send people to Congress to do a job. She’s clearly not up to the task.
As a gun owner, I’ve said what I think can be done to address the problem that doesn’t impact anyone’s Second Amendment or due process rights. This is a solvable problem, just not by her. #DoYourJob #muscatoforcongress
Her expectation that a single law solves 100% of the problem is naive. Stopping even one mass shooter means saving dozens of lives. Given her support for the sanctity of unborn life, it’s interesting she has no apparent interest in protecting lives after they’re born. #Hypocrite
Read 3 tweets
I was recently asked about the point of supporting legislation that will stall in the Senate.

My answer: my job is not to appease Mitch McConnell. Whether it’s gun violence prevention or holding the President accountable, my duty is to do what’s right for the people of CA-45.
As I said at my town hall on Saturday, if I only got out of bed on days I voted on something I thought would pass the Senate, I would have bedsores.…
The fact is: both chambers of Congress have important constitutional roles in the legislative process, but inaction is not an option. @senatemajldr should start legislating and bring bills to the Senate floor for up or down votes. The American people deserve no less. #DoYourJob
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Watching #AmericanSwamp w/ @KatyTurNBC & @jacobsoboroff on Infrastructure. (great job btw)

Every member of Congress should spend a week in the seat next to one of our countries long haul truck driver to truly see how bad our #infrastructure is.

@KatyTurNBC @jacobsoboroff We as a country need to bite the bullet and raise the gas tax. Not only to support funding the of a massive improvement of the infrastructure.....

America is falling apart and next to nothing gets done at both ends of Pennsylvania Ave.

We must act now...

@KatyTurNBC @jacobsoboroff Not only do we need to fix roads, but also the pipes that carries our water.

We have cities such as #FlintWaterCrisis #NewarkWaterCrisis that have lead in their water.

We also are losing vast amounts of water due to failing concrete pipes.....

Read 7 tweets
Media literacy: Deconstructing political-speak. #cdnpoli
When a politician like Jason Kenney, who spent > a decade working for Stephen Harper, gets in front of a camera or microphone, you can bet that there will be no "winging it". Every word out of his mouth is deliberate.. 1/10
and thought through. There is no going off script. He knows what he wants to communicate and how he wants to communicate it. There is no accidental phrasing or memory slips. That is the first thing to keep in mind. 2/10
Here is a clip of a @CTV_PowerPlay interview about wildfires. Parsing will follow in subsequent tweets. Watch, then follow along... 3/10…
Read 10 tweets
@SpeakerPelosi He's attempting to be a dictator!! I truly believe that he premeditated his actions as President for decades. He planned all the ways he'd be able to take advantage of his position. Why you guys aren't ending this is beyond all logic!?! You're allowing him to be above law!!!...
@SpeakerPelosi ...Had this been anyone else with all these investigations, and blatant wrongdoings happening right in front of our eyes, they'd a been LONG GONE!!! Seriously, replace any of the headlines or investigations that have Trump's name, with the name Obama, and shit would've hit the...
@SpeakerPelosi a long time ago!!! Never have we had these forms of scandal and obvious wrongdoings in the history of the Presidency. Yet somehow, America is allowed to continue on as a circus!?! At this point, Trump is not the only one that is doing injustice towards the American...
Read 20 tweets
For goodness sake! @CBCNews Are you going to call out Scheer's misinformation you are presenting right now on your station? 1. A DPA does not "let SNC off the hook" - can you have someone on who can accurately explain what a DPA is, please? #cdnpoli 1/4
2. #JWR was not fired. Can you have someone on to explain that a cabinet shuffle is not a "firing", please?
3. Can you also have someone on to clarify that, yes, people do experience and recall events differently? 2/4
Seriously. Let him speak. But don't let his misinformation stand as truth. Dissect his words as carefully as you dissect the PM's. It's only fair. You devoted hours this morning to tearing apart Trudeau's speech. Let's see you do the same with what Scheer says. 3/4
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For goodness sake! @CBCNews Are you not supposed to be impartial? All morning you have had talking heads telling us the PM's message wasn't good enough. For CPC pundits there will never be anything the PM or the LPC government can do that will be good enough. #cdnpoli 1/8
Not just about SNC, but anything, ever. The media are largely responsible for what is essentially office politics gone sour turning into a crisis. You are doing Canadians a huge disservice by telling people what they should think. 2/8
Canadians are, by and large, intelligent and well-educated. Give us facts & let us make up our own minds. We do not need all these panelists and opinionaires declaring "Canadians feel..." They don't know how Canadians feel. They have no business making sweeping declarations 3/8
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Is it just me, or do others have the impression that #cdnmedia is either bought and paid for by the CPC, or intimidated by them? The #SNCLavalin coverage/speculation has gone well into the realm of mind-numbingly boring and absurd... #cdnpoli 1/16
A rumour, printed in a right-leaning newspaper, without source, which for all we know, was planted in the reporter's ear by someone in the CPC, has dominated Canadian news coverage for more than a week... 2/16
And won't #cdnmedia all look silly if it turns out to be a non-issue? Meanwhile, we have a convoy of dubious provenance that rolled across the prairies and into Ottawa and #cdnmedia all cheerfully interview them as though they know what they are talking about... 3/16
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The point of having an independent, publicly funded broadcaster is to have a Canadian voice that is not beholding to corporate sponsors or PACs with an agenda. Or, indeed, media outlet owners with definite political positions. #cdnmedia @CBCOmbud #cdnpoli 1/25
The CBC exists to do several things: To promote Canadian voices, talent, and stories through arts programming, music programming, and the development of Canadian dramatic series.... 2/25
To bring Canadians together through sharing our stories to the rest of the country, so someone in Victoria can understand a bit of what life is like in PEI, etc... 3/25
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(1) Thread #4 about the #TaosCompound New Mexico case, starting 8/30/18.

Read my series of threads about this case:

NM has a GOP Governor with power to direct the state AG to take over the case from the small-town DA.

Facts > Speculation

(2) You're not helping #MakeAmericaGreatAgain by accepting the cherry picked talking points of either Democrats OR Republicans.

On the GOP side, we must clean up our act when it comes to reporting & discussing this case. It is serious!

Don't be a hypocrite. Use your brain.
(3) Trust me, I've heard everything people are saying about this case. And I have assembled the facts that correct the misinformation. Anyone can do this, I'm not special. It just takes an open mind & a couple of hours of searching online, & I've done most of it for you.
Read 53 tweets

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