I find it generative to flip that around. Say I saturated 10 minutes of review daily—what would that casual practice unlock? (thread)
Empirically, I find my reviews stay <10 minutes so long as I cap new questions to 40/day.
The first chapter of Quantum Country is 112 questions, so that amount to something like memorizing the material from 130 textbook chapters!
It's awfully difficult to write good questions, and taxing even if you're skilled at it. I find it also requires a significant context switch.
Authors supply the prompts, lightening readers' burden. notes.andymatuschak.org/z4j3bcyJfBzGdp…
But as I write prose about those topics, I also write SRS questions inline, much like the mnemonic medium. notes.andymatuschak.org/z5ARNXtS5Vxtes…
The practice feels quite strange! It certainly distorts the prose… but not always harmfully?
And of course, if review sessions are sufficiently valuable, that cap will grow: people will happily spend more than 10 minutes per day.