1. Dedicated scrubs, shoes, mask for commuting.
2. Change into clean work scrubs, work shoes in office.
3. Put on N95, cover w surgical mask.
4. 3M safety glasses (plastic), 3D printed faceshield
5. Disposable nonwoven surg cap
7. Never touch doorknobs w bare hands. If unavoidable, use hand sanitizer immediately afterwards.
8. No longer wear white coat nor carry stethoscope
9. No jewelry- not my wedding band, earrings, watch - nothing.
11. Bleach wipe everything frequently - face shield, my laptop, iPhone.
12. Ziplock bags work well as phone protector.
13. Dispose surgical cap upon leaving CCU.
15. Lysol spray & Clorox wipe my office, desktop, keyboard frequently.
16. End of work day, change into commuting scrubs.
17. Deposit work scrubs into hosp scrub machine.
18. Arrival home, leave commuting shoes at front door.
POV: Self-quarantining is not possible in our apt & we don't have a 2nd home. Our parents, though in Tri-State area, are high risk for sev COVID. We are high risk carriers.
After rounding, I clorox wipe phone, laptop, face shield, and do hand hygiene (purell and then wash).
Since masks, incl N95, have to be reused, I UV irradiate masks & faceshield in my lab cell culture hood. And UVI phone & ID in PCR AircleanStn.