Ibn-ul-Qayyim collected 39 benefits of sending Salawat upon the Beloved Prophet ﷺ in his book
📚Jalaa ul Afhaam
4- The attainment of ten blessings from Allah for every one blessing upon the Messengerﷺ.
5- He who sends blessing upon the Prophet ﷺ Allāh raises him by ten levels.
7- He also has erased from his record ten bad deeds.
whether or not a specific intercession is sought.
10- It is a means to have one’s sins forgiven.
11- It is a means for Allāh to satisfy his servant’s worldly needs.
13- It compensates for giving charity for those who are too poor to give it.
14- It is a means of fulfilling one’s needs (Qada’ al-Haajah).
16- It is a means of purification for he who invokes it.
17- For one who sends blessings on him it is glad tidings in his life that he has been granted his place in Paradise.
19- It is a means for the Prophet ﷺ
to return the blessings and greeting upon he who invokes it.
21- It is a means to remember something which has been forgotten.
22- It is a safeguard against poverty.
23- It saves one from being branded a miser or stingy
26- It safeguards a believer on the Siraat (bridge over Hellfire) and makes their feet firm
28- It is a cause for the slave to find light cast in abundance in his life to guide him on the Straight Path.
30- It is a means for Allāh to preserve those in the heavens and the earth praising and commending he who invokes it.
31- It is a means of the worshiper to obtain blessing for himself in his work, life and provision.
33- It sustains, increases and multiplies love for the Messenger of Allāhﷺ,
which is among the core bases of faith, without which faith cannot be complete.
34- It earns the Prophet’s love for the servant of Allāh.
36- It causes the worshiper’s name to be shown to the Prophet ﷺ, and the mention of the worshiper to him.
38- Invoking blessing and peace upon the Prophet ﷺ is his right upon us.
"Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings on him and greet him (with) greetings".[33:56]