Got additional information colleagues shared in Twitter.
Thread with some comparisons with #ACTT1
#IDtwitter 1/

But these days the Supplementary Appendices in trial reports have additional relevant information:…
Caveat is that ~30% of the study patients had not completed follow up to day 28, curves flatten after day 21

Population on high-flow/non-invasive ventilation small, so not included

Interesting stuff to ponder. Some space for you to think about it...

#ACTT1 did restrict patients with significant renal dysfunction and high LFTs but may not explain it all.

But not sure if a trend test is a appropriate when you go from protection to harm (cross RR=1)
May be better to use #remdesivir first in this severity band first if you have access

The #ACTT1 KM curve shows a small #remdesivir benefit initially, but then the curves cross.
Can't wait for the final report!

I also did a comparison of Day 14 KM estimates between trials in this table, which are complete

The Day 14 KM mortality estimates for the #RECOVERYtrial were done using graphs from a source that remains anonymous, but all data numbers correspond to what has been posted online.