Are we going to feel better or worse? Are we going to live or die?
1 year of discontinuation at the VA produced just 90 fewer bodies than terrorists did on 9/11.…
#PrimaryCare #PCP #neurology #MedicalTwitter…
5.83% of people w/ AP & 9.38% w/ CP reported frequent active #suicidal ideation, nearly 2x - 3x the risk of people w/o pain.…
14.11% w/ AP & 20.53% (CP)--1/5th--had attempted suicide (2.2 to 3.25 x risk of people w/o pain).
Depression & insomnia increase this risk dramatically.
but consistent evidence suggesting that several types of
#opioid tapers may be effective & that pain, function,
& QOL may improve for some patients w/
consensual opioid dose reduction, esp w/ the
support of a multidisciplinary team."
'19: Altho gradual/supported "taper are believed to be associated with improved pain outcomes, the evidence base on #opioid dose reduction & discontinuation is still

This BELIEF is the single biggest impediment to letting doctors prescribe #opioids the way they prescribe all other meds: to individuals, based on evidence.
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