few thoughts about it (spoilers ahead). [1/81]
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Node_Maga… review of "Spook Country" in 2007, it seems appropriate to publish these initial thoughts about "Agency" as a Twitter thread which can then branch or be added to by others [2/81]
You might need to have read the previous novel "The Peripheral" before "Agency" or else you may
get lost [4/81]
what everyone else, including the author does: google them. [6/81]
the near future Sprawl: Neuromancer, Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive published in the 1980s. [9/81]
via Google Maps etc.
"The Peripheral" and "Agency" also use this technique, but only really now for San Francisco and London [11/81]
This William Gibson novel actually has more details of surveillance / surveillance detection/ counter-
surveillance / and espionage / criminal underground tradecraft techniques than most supposed spy
thrillers. [12/81]
which had ex KGB and CIA / NSA characters. Espionage jargon terms #OPSEC (Operational Security) and
Situational Awareness are explicitly mentioned in "Agency". [13/81]
Identifying #drones on the horizon - c.f. Ahmed the Syrian made self driving Rolls Royce doing the same to police helicopters in "Count Zero". [14/81]
trying to get to us, listen in or anything?"
"No, sir," the voice said. "Eight minutes ago our identification panel was infra-scanned by a Tactical helicopter. [16/81]
"Okay, okay," Lucas said. "Fine. Never mind You see? Ahmed got more on those Tacs than they got on us." [17/81]
Corporate ex government Mercenaries - Pryor - not as well developed or scary as Neuromancer's Armitage / Corto or even Spook Country's Brown [18/81]
Custom bleeding edge autonomous drones checking on #CounterSurveillance & #SurveillanceDetectionRoutes
Effortlessly #Hacking into bank accounts, exploiting #DarkMarkets [19/81]
pg 48
"From something like Uber," Eunice said, "but for following people"
"The girl in 3.7 seemed engrossed in her phone. "What’s she doing ?"
"Candy Crush Saga. Nondigital surveillance is weaponized boredom"
"Followrs," said Eunice, Verity guessing she was showing him something.
He stood, reading empty air. "Been hoping that whole story was The Onion," he said.
gangs to provide local surveillance / muscle.
number, a real crowd scene This guy wants it so big, he's gonna hire the Kasuals too.
Is there no inoculation against #FakeNews ?
Why does Verity trust the AI Eunice almost immediately and obey every command ?
Not much Agency for Verity.
Lots of counter surveillance by undetectable / indestructible drones by the goodies, almost none by drones or self driving cars used by the baddies.
The supposed villains Cursion , Pryor and the "other klept" seem to be not very well defined threats.
pg 238
"So what you do," Virgil said, his eyes narrowed, "is colonize alternative pasts."
faster than light travel, transporter beams, food replicators, time travel etc. of Star Wars, Star Trek
or Dr Who. (some of which do have nano plot devices)
Sprawl’s "the street find its own uses for things" but it is all brand new, as designed.
"People, it seems to me," Virgil said, dryly, "have tended to be fairly dubious about the idea of fully autonomous artificial intelligence."
"Ever the sceptic," said Stets, smiling. "We’ve thought that ourselves, but circumstaces have variously forced our hand"
but it is a bit of a let down when you realise that he has not been revived in this "stub" world [49/81]
William Gibson’s famously terse writing style and his seemingly increasing use of very short Chapters
(are these some of the shortest Chapters in literature ?) 110 chapters in 402 pages
Chapter 42 Wifely Advice is only 13 lines long [50/81]
computer pass phrases.
William Gibson writes interesting phrases e.g.
pg 105
"The Tulpagenics glasses were charging on the nearby seat of a wooden cafe chair he'd spotted in a dumpster on Fourteenth. One of the only known examples, he said, to have escaped being painted purple."
"The girl in 3.7 seemed engrossed in her phone. "What’s she doing ?"
"Candy Crush Saga. Nondigital surveillance is weaponized boredom"
Gibson’s Blue Ant trilogy of novels "Pattern Recognition" and "Spook Country". Cummings posted a bizarre and probably illegal job advert including:
family hired by the KGB."
pg 153 containerised pods - like the holiday module or the biomedical trailer in "Count Zero" ?
Situational Awareness
pg 31
1 thousand x 100 dollar bills - Franklins
cash = Agency = freedom to act
Undercovr - Uber style on demand street surveillance watchers for hire
"The Tulpagenics glasses were charging on the nearby seat of a wooden cafe chair he'd spotted in a dumpster on Fourteenth. One of the only known examples, he said, to have escaped being painted purple."
privacy pod containers for open plan offices to reduce Open Plan Anxiety - c.f taz
pg 35
"competitive control areas, CCAs, where criminal organisations or extremists exterted greater
control over the territory than any government"
- all within a few blocks of each other in London

Denisovian Embassy
Lev klept
6 robot girls magically forming a snoop proof "Cone of Silence"
c.f. Get Smart
"Not ok to phone your mother on, or anyone else Cursion might know you know, but you’ve got the web, and it’s programmed to dial fresh burners of ours"
"His father's old klept." said Fearing. "his father's uncle's older klept still. They assume their opsec is
gold standard, which in practice tends to mean it's not. They mainly spy on each other"
"This one was dressed, it struck him, as though it might be a publicist, but in fact was exactly the opposite: a counter-publicist. "
"They're not strategists," said Ash, "though they assume they are, and rather good ones at that"
"...Disinformation ?"
"It would be wise not to consider the possibility of disinformation,"
the Finn
Is this a reference to "Neuromancer" / "Count Zero" ? Will a stub turn into The Sprawl in the next book ??
No ! c.f page 92
"Finnish gentleman on one of my boards, Russian militaria."
"My Finn’s not seeing anything after 2023"
pg 173
"Followrs," said Eunice, Verity guessing she was showing him something.
He stood, reading empty air. "Been hoping that whole story was The Onion," he said.
"So what you do," Virgil said, his eyes narrowed, "is colonize alternative pasts."
"Someone's put up an image of you on something called Instagram"
"his father's old klept," Fearing said "his father's uncle's older klept still. They assume their #opsec is gold standard, which in practice tends to mean it's not. They mainly spy on each other"
"This one was dressed, it struck him, as though it might be a publicist, but in fact was exactly the opposite:
a counter-publicist."
"They're not strategists," said Ash, "though they assume theyy are, and rather good ones at that. A fully functional, strategically sound opponent would be a greater threat, but without posing the sort of unpredictable danger they currently do."
"People, it seems to me," Virgil said, dryly, "have tended to be fairly dubious about the idea of fully autonomous artificial intelligence."
"Ever the sceptic," said Stets, smiling. "We’ve thought that ourselves, but circumstaces have variously forced our hand"