@realDonaldTrump @POTUS
1) It ain't #WuhanVirus or #ChinaVirus - it's #SARS_COV_2!
2) #China DIDN'T SEND IT OUT to infect America - Global Travel did! 🙄
3) The DISEASE has been Christened #COVID19 (COronaVIrusDisease2019) by @WHO, for ease of reference!!

Just my luck to switch on the TV at approximately 11.00 a.m. #MYT, to have it already tuned to #AlJazeera channel LIVE, at the exact moment #TantrumP2020, Global #COVIDIOT No. 1, was uttering his SHIT about #COVID19usa, caused by his SO-CALLED #WuhanVirus!

TO SPARE MY APRE MORNING WAKE UP BRAIN (still waking up: too early for TV pour moi!!) from an overload of @realDonaldTrump's SHIT!! 💩