This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: COMBATING THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND PURSUING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE
Only one party recognizes the urgent existential crisis facing our planet. Only one party believes in science and solutions. 1/14
Climate change is a global emergency. We have no time to waste in taking action to protect Americans’ lives and futures. 2/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#climate
The last four years have seen record-breaking storms, devastating wildfires, and historic floods. Urban and rural communities alike have suffered tens of billions of dollars in economic losses. 3/14 #DemPartyPlatform#climate#ClimateAction
Dams have failed catastrophically in Michigan. Farmers’ crops have been drowned in their fields across the Midwest. Coastal communities from Florida to New Jersey are facing an existential crisis as a result of sea level rise and stronger storms. 4/14 #DemPartyPlatform#Climate
Thousands of Americans have died. And President Trump still callously and willfully denies the science that explains why so many are suffering.5/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#Climate
Like so many crises facing the United States, the impacts of climate change are not evenly distributed in our society or our economy. 6/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#climate
Communities of color, low-income families, and Indigenous communities have long suffered disproportionate and cumulative harm from air pollution, water pollution, and toxic sites. 7/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#climate
From Flint, Michigan, to the Navajo Nation, to Lowndes County, Alabama, millions of Americans have been denied access to clean, safe drinking water and even the most basic wastewater infrastructure. 8/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#Climate
Pacific Islanders in Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands are losing their traditional way of life as sea level rise submerges their homelands. 9/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#ClimateCrisis
And although the youngest generations of Americans have contributed the least to this calamity, they stand to lose the most as they suffer from the impacts of runaway carbon pollution for decades to come.10/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#ClimateCrisis
#Democrats believe there is a better way. We can and must build a thriving, equitable, and globally competitive clean energy economy that puts workers and communities first and leaves no one behind. 11/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#ClimateCrisis
#Democrats will help rebuild our economy from the #COVID19 pandemic and President Trump’s recession by mobilizing historic, transformative public and private investments to launch a clean energy revolution. 12/14 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#ClimateCrisis
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: COMBATING THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND PURSUING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE (Part 2)
Only one party recognizes the urgent existential crisis facing our planet. Only one party believes in science and solutions.1/18
#Democrats will use federal resources and authorities across all agencies to deploy proven clean energy solutions; create millions of family-supporting and union jobs; 3/18 #DemPartyPlatform#ClimateAction#GreenEconomy
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: Supporting Press Freedom & Supporting the Arts and Culture
Only one party has the stated value of protecting our free press and crafting policies and funding streams for Arts and Cultural education and programs.1/11
#Democrats roundly reject President Trump’s denigration of the free and independent press, which has endangered reporters’ lives, helped fuel conspiracy theories, and deepened distrust between Americans and their government. 3/11 #DemPartyPlatform#FreePress
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: Supporting Faith & Service
Only one party has a stated plan to support all our communities of faith in all their diversity. No individual or group is left out or targeted as worthy of suspicion & discrimination. 1/13
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: Ending the Epidemic of Gun Violence/Only one party has a specific plan to end the scourge of gun violence that plagues our nation.This includes enhanced background checks & getting assault weapons off our streets. 1/11
Gun violence is a public health crisis in the United States. Over 100,000 people are shot and nearly 40,000 people die annually from guns—devastating countless families, friends, and communities. 2/11 #DemPartyPlatform#Enough#GunViolence
#Democrats can and will make gun violence a thing of the past. Addressing the gun violence crisis requires supporting evidence-based programs that prevent gun deaths from occurring in the first place,3/11 #DemPartyPlatform#Enough#GunViolence
Harley Edwin Rouda Jr. is an American lawyer and politician from the state of California. A member of the Democratic Party, he serves in the United States House of Representatives from California's 48th congressional district 1/17 #Congress#CA48#VoteHarley#Elections2020
“In the middle of a pandemic, the Trump Administration has worked to dismantle protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, eliminate Medicare, and threaten women’s reproductive rights.” ~ Harley Rouda #CA48#Election2020#Congress 2/17
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: Ending Violence Against Women
Only one party has a specific plan to end the scourge of violence affecting women & non-binary individuals.This strategy includes reauthorizing #VAWA & fully enacting it’s protections. 1/11