#Kushner wasn't "successful" til he got a WH job. He & #Ivanka owed $1.4 BILLION on their #mortgage til foreign investors prepaid nearly a century in rent. They got a self-serving taxcut into law & raked in $90 mil from undisclosed overseas sources, most Saudi Arabian. >thread
By the time #Jared & #Ivanka became White House Senior Advisers, they were a little late on their #mortgage. The Washington Post reported that by March 1, 2018, they owed $1.4 billion on 666 5th Avenue.
2 months after WashPost reported #Kushner owed $1.4 billion, a company "swooped in & agreed to take a 99-year lease on the building, paying a near-century’s worth of rent upfront." The #Qatar Investment Authority was a leading investor in the company. >3 nytimes.com/2018/05/17/nyr…
#Kushner's bailout was surprising: a previous partner said 666 5th Ave “would be worth a lot more if it was just dirt." The family had "spent 2 years trying to get new partners or financing to no avail." >4 vanityfair.com/news/2019/02/q…
#Qatar denied a role in bailing out #Kushner & is reforming how "the gas-rich kingdom invests money abroad via its giant sovereign wealth fund."
1 of the companies #Kushner failed to identify for his security clearance had slow growth til he became Senior WH adviser & raked in $90 million in undisclosed foreign money, most traced to #SaudiArabia. >7 gq.com/story/kushner-…
#Ivanka, too, has become more successful since working in the Trump Administration. #China fast-tracked 18 trademarks for daughter & dad in 2 months during trade talks. >8 apnews.com/article/0a3283…
#EricTrump, #LaraTrump, & #Junior have profited from their father's presidency, taking in millions by directing government business to Trump properties (& increasing rates when they do) & from using official business to leverage cash & loans. >9 latimes.com/politics/story…
Presidents' kids matter when they work in government, exploit their power, vacuum in billions from foreign sources (yes, billions: remember 666?), & stuff their pockets with millions grabbed from public coffers before walking out the door. #VoteBidengq.com/story/trump-ki…
.@headsUPmigraine spoke w/ a rural #PCP hounded out of the profession by relentless pressure to stop rxing #opioids. She was the only PCP in +100 miles willing to accept patients on opioid therapy. Most were over 70. 2018 #AMA statement shows many share her frustration. >thread
In 2018, #AMA passed a resolution against “misapplication” of the CDC Guideline by “pharmacists, health insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, legislatures, & governmental & private regulatory bodies in ways that prevent or limit patients’ medical access to #opioid analgesia.” 2/
#AMA: "physicians should not be subject to professional discipline, loss of board certification, loss of clinical privileges, criminal prosecution, civil liability, or other penalties or practice limitations solely for prescribing #opioids" above CDC's recommended dose. 3/
.@mareasachs The good news is that you're at the peak of #migraine prevalence! Preventive treatment is always important, but especially so in people with childhood onset & women within a decade +/- of peak. n.neurology.org/content/68/5/3…
@louisanamom In 2016, CDC said there wasn't good evidence showing reductions in rx #opioids would reduce ODs. Of their study of 221 #vets (who, sadly, have higher rates of OD/suicide), they said, "caution should be taken in drawing causal inferences from this observational study.” 1/
@louisanamom I don't know why CDC's 2016 paper is titled "a detailed exploration into the association of prescribed #opioid dosage & OD deaths" when it admits there were 2 low-quality studies + their "don't assume anything about cause & effect" study! ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
@louisanamom In 2016, @CDCgov had NO SOLID EVIDENCE about whether rx #opioid reductions & discontinuation would help or hurt. Here's their review of evidence (table 1). Read the column "Limitations."
@DrTomFrieden With all due respect, Dr. Frieden, why didn't you follow science when you directed @CDCgov & you learned in 2018 that fatal overdoses went up, not down, following implementation of the 2016 #Opioid Guideline you promoted? ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
@DrTomFrieden@CDCgov#CDC-funded research in 2018: “declines in these opioid prescribing metrics ... have not been followed by decreases in opioid overdoses. Instead, overdoses due to illegal opioids ... have increased.” Why didn't CDC retract the Guideline when it saw deaths were going UP?
@DrTomFrieden@CDCgov In 2016, #CDC Director Frieden told the press that the risks of rx #opioids would outweigh benefits for "vast majority of patients.” But the Guideline itself said an average 96% of patients had no addiction or non-addictive abuse, misuse, or long use. cdc.gov/media/releases…
0.1% = rate of fatal #OD in the medical use of #opioids acc'g to 2019 research from Kaiser Permanente (link below).
Bwn 2006-2014, 41 of 31,142 died of OD, a rate of 5 per year. Risk stratification did not lower OD rates. Dose reductions were "inconsistent" (VonKorff). /thread
2,887 #vets died by #overdose or #suicide after their #opioid medicine was stopped by the VHA in FY2013 (90 fewer than on 9/11) (Oliva et al 2020).
Patients whose rx opioid was stopped were 3 times MORE likely to die by OD than those whose medicine continued (James 2019).
4.9% of discontinued patients died of OD.
1.7% of continued patients died of OD.
Discontinuation of rx #opioids was associated with 1.35 times the risk of death & 2.94 times the risk of fatal OD compared to patients whose rx continued (James et al 2019).