2. How abt when 19 minutes after @POTUS was inaugurated the #WashingtonPost DECLARED the #IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN had STARTED?Was thàt when #Trump divided America? Did the ripping up of @POTUS' State of the Union,by #NancyPelosi right in front of the world,bring the country 2gether? Image
3. Remember the DONORS,so SÚRE Hillary wld WIN,aka #Bloomberg,#TomSteyer,#GeorgeSoros & #MÀNY #MÓRE INVESTED #MULTIMILLIONS in #Hillary,they were PRÓMISED SHÓWERS w HÚGE RETURNS when SHE became PRESIDENT,&THEY LÓST all those MILLIONS,so they wanted TRUMP ÓUTofthe #WH by any means Image
4.The DONORS NÉÉDED 2 #PUNISH @POTUS & the #AMERICANS that VOTED him ÍN!Have u ÉVER LISTENED 2 #TRUMP or Appreciated Àny ACCOMPLISHMENT or CAMPAIGN PROMISES he KEPT,have u ÉVER gone 2 1 of his RALLIES or have you JUST CLOSED ur mind 2 ÀNYTHING he does? Image
5.PLEASE ASK urself the following QUESTIONS if u DARE.
Whàt has @JoeBiden done 4 America 4 in h=47yrs,4 #BLACKS when in #obamaOffice,did he ÈVER create a private-sector job,gave HELP 4 the AMERICAN middle class worker?WHY do U think so many ppl tearing down statues,burning flags? Image
6.ASK Urself why @school our children r POISONED w LIES,2 HATE their country!ASK the #TEACHERS:Do u TEACH the #TRUTH that Dèmocrats were the #KKK,that THÈY #FOUGHT the CIVIL WAR 2 KÉÉP SLAVERY, that THÈY #FOUNDED #PLANNEDPARENTHOOD 2 CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION in INNER CITIES! Image
7.President TRUMP& h= ENTIRE family has been #VILIFIED, #DEMEANED & #DISRESPECTED FOR one reason ONLY.
@POTUS WÓN!NEVER #ÓNCE have the Democrats gotten behind @POTUS bc they can't AFFORD that as @POTUS will #WIN #AGAIN & the #Democrat party will be #DESTROYED & they #KNÒW thát! Image
8. How abt Biden & Obama allowing #H1N1SwineFlu #INFECTING #MILLIONS of Americans be4 declaring it a #Health #EMERGENCY.#FMN was #SILENT->over #ObamasCAGES,over #ObamaCOMMUTING 1,715 INMATES, but #NÓT #SILENT over @POTUS'COMMUTING of #RogerStone &TÉN other people!11 PEOPLE! FAIR? Image
9. READ these FINAL QUESTIONS & if u haven't started ASKING urself these questions,maybe u shld. As I said,my ENTIRE family USED 2 be Democrats but #NO 1 #WILL #ÉVER #VOTE 4 a #DEMOCRAT AGAIN.

• • •

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More from @ScarlattiBomba

12 Nov
En wát die kloodtzakken in Den Haag of in Brussel ook bedenken, FÚCK YÓU!! t is GENÓEG geweest!
met je democratische #rechtstRaat op 4.07 door WA de simpele ziel!
De doodsstrijd der democratie,t=om te janken,jammer dat wij t zo ver hbn laten komen,ik iig dr onwetendheid vh naderende gevaar in 1970 anders had ik mijn kinderen wel via home school onderwezen& waren zij nu niet linxe geïndoctrineerd,ik had geen idee!
2.Ben pas politiek bewust/geïnteresseerd geworden toen ik zag hoe onbeschoft een man werd behandeld door andere mannen op tv. Dat bleek dus Pim Fortuyn te zijn en de schoften, Dijkgraaf,Rosemüller en Melkert,de rest was een en al schijnheiligheid.
Read 11 tweets
4 Nov
NÓW @ @OANN the TRUTH abt #CoronaVirus!AGAIN @POTUS=RIGHT!The DAY àfter the Elections the TRUTH wld be told!Dr Brian Tyson,dr George Fareed,MD,#RECOVERED PATIENTS: #HydroxyChloroquine SAFED their lives!100.000 PEOPLE r #DEAD bc #OBSTRUCTION by #FMN & #DEEPSTATE LEFTISTS!SUE THEM!
Have you been lied 2 4 the last eight months? What u r abt 2 C could change your life. The following documentary was made with the help of doctors and medical scientists, but that won’t stop YouTube, Facebook & all the other tech giants from censoring it.
They don’t want u 2 know the truth,but that doesn’t matter bc.@OANN=committed 2 exposing the truth wherever we find it. Th= program cld be the most important 28 minutes of ur life &, in fact,it cld even save ur life or the lives of ur FRIENDS & FAMILY
Read 35 tweets

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