the purpose of which is to establish a modern feudal oligarchy, in which the club of billionaires live in gross luxury, while the mass of the population is to be left in backwardness with sharply reduced living standards, lower life expectancies & reduced cognitive capabilities
man-made climate change advocates use pre-fixed computer models in which the desired result is determined in advance #climatechangeswindle
1. This thread is about an interesting clue @CzebotarJessie inspired me to look into- #architecture. Apparently, certain masonic architects, such as #FrankLloydWright, designed structures, which can indicate either a safe house, a house where sex & rituals can take place etc.
Many houses have a network of tunnels underneath them. From the outside, it is hard to tell, but for instance, looking at the #WHWinslowResidence, the stairs from the pantry, could indicate an entrance to the tunnels.
2. The #IsidoreHHeller house however is possibly telling an interesting story. Originally owned by an Austrian butcher, Isidore H. Heller, who worked at Wold Sayer & Heller Packers & Butcher's Supplies. #FrankLoydWright designed this house in 1897.
They partner with #AmazonWebServices & #GoogleCloud. Also, AI is being used for 'Biomedical Excellence' #AIBLE to create Data Design Centres- what's that? How to invent a pandemic based on fake positive cases of the non-existent virus?
The crimes committed by the Zionists of today are the same as committed by the Jews in the #BalticStates in 1940-41. Here are the examples of the atrocities committed by #Jewish#exterminationbattalions in Estonia: #rape, removal of breasts, genitalia, eyes, live burning,
Jews were given positions of authority in Soviet #Estonia. They controlled & produced #propaganda & falsified history. An Estonian Jew, #JoosepFrank, admitted in 1986'Estonians were never hostile towards the Jews'. 250,000 Estonians were killed.