#Technicalindicators are mathematical calculations or pattern-based signals produced by the price, volume, and/or open interest of a security or contract used by traders who follow #TechnicalAnalysis.
Technical Indicators are divided in 4 broad types -
#Trend Indicators measure direction & strength of trend, using some form of price averaging to establish a baseline. Bullish signal when price moves above average, bearish signal when price moves below average.
Popular Trend Indicators - Moving Averages, MACD, Parabolic SAR
#MovingAverage (MA) - Used to identify current trend and trend reversal, as well as identify support and resistance levels.
#Momentum Indicators measures speed with which price changes over time. It appears as line below price chart that oscillates as momentum changes. When there is divergence between price and momentum indicator it signals a change in future price direction.
Volatility Indicators measure rate of price movement, regardless of direction. It is based on a change in highest & lowest historical prices. Used to determine points where the market may change direction.
#BollingerBands - Used to measure 'highness' or 'lowness' of the price, relative to previous trades.
It is defined by a set of trendlines plotted two standard deviations (positively & negatively) away from a simple moving average of a security's price.
Long term investment in #shares is always rewarding compared to returns generated by other #investing avenues. But at same time it contains various #risks that #investor needs to be aware of.
#MutualFunds use services of experienced & skilled professionals, backed by a dedicated investment research team that analyses performance & prospects of companies and selects suitable investments to achieve objectives of scheme.
#MutualFunds invest in a number of companies across a broad spectrum of industries & sectors. This diversification reduces risk because seldom do all stocks decline at same time and in same proportion.
In this thread find some stock market tips for beginners, especially those who have joined market recently during #COVID19#lockdown and have only seen one-sided rally.
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1⃣ Save Regularly & Initially Invest Small Amounts 👇
#Investing in #StockMarket is comparatively risky as compared to investing in other avenues. Hence start with small amount and it should ideally be the amount which you can afford to loose.
It is the best thing to do initially, if you lack knowledge about #StockMarket#investing, start investing via mutual funds and only after learning the basics slowly jump to direct equity investing.