Yesterday, during a mammoth BBC TV interview, #DominicCummings said that anyone who was sure that #Brexit was a good idea had a screw loose. And then he went on to say that he thought Brexit was a good idea and was pleased that it had happened. Watch and share 1-minute video.
This time last year, #DominicCummings told an unbelieving nation that during the #Covid#lockdown he went for a drive just so he could test his #eyesight. Many of us then thought something was missing. Now we can be sure.
#DominicCummings had a lot to say for himself. But one question #LauraKuenssberg didn’t ask him is if he supports #democracy. Obviously, he doesn’t. He thinks it’s in his gift and power, not ours, not Parliament’s, to make or break, appoint or unappoint, a Prime Minister.
#DominicCummings thinks he can bamboozle the public with misleading information about how much money we sent to the #EU.
He thinks it's fine to scare people that #Turkey is joining the EU soon.
Just so his side could unfairly win the #EUreferendum.
It’s time for the public to have a lot to say. We’ve been played. We’ve been had. We’ve been screwed.
Nobody knew in June 2016 what we know in July 2021. Had we known then what we know now would #Brexit have won?
No. 100% no.
We need a new #democratic opportunity to reconsider #Brexit, this time based on the facts, and not the fantasies propagated by a fantasist with delusions of grandeur.
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Lord @DavidGHFrost isn’t happy with the #NorthernIrelandProtocol that HE negotiated. He wants to “return to normal”. Isn’t #EU membership “normal”? That avoided ALL the problems Frosty is griping about and it's what he supported BEFORE the #EUReferendum. Watch ½-minute video.
Before the #EUreferendum, the then Mr @DavidGHFrost strongly supported the case for Britain to REMAIN in the #EU. He said then AGAINST #Brexit: “Even the best-case outcome can’t be as good as what we have now.”
With the introduction of a more efficient ‘Single European Sky’, the #EuropeanParliament (@Europarl_EN) wants to make #EU#airspace and the #aviation sector greener, more resilient, and fairer to consumers. (2-minute video)
Sadly, Britain is not part of this initiative.
We were told that #Brexit would mean more sovereignty. But as it turns out, it means less.
We no longer have any say in the running and future direction of our continent, even though the decisions made will affect us, whether we're a member or not.
The bottom line is that #Brexit makes absolutely no sense. It offers no solutions, no benefits, only damaging downsides.
Britain has more job #vacancies than can be filled by the native workforce. That, in a nutshell, is why we need #migrants and millions of them. #Brexit was a con. Watch this 1½-minute video. Read my report on Facebook: LinkedIn:
It's not just vacancies. Britain has more JOBS than Britons to do them. That's why we need millions of migrants. It really is that simple. Why else would the government offer 3 million Hong Kong citizens the right to come to the UK? Leave voters were misled... big time.
Our country has an ageing population, and a low birth rate. So, the truth is that we have to import young people and skilled (and many unskilled) people to do the jobs that we don’t have enough Britons to fill. The government, of course, knows this only too well.
① of ⑧ On my Facebook page, under my video about the case for #Breturn, ardent #Brexiter Bob Pattenden commented: ‘You can’t accept a Democratic vote you lost get over it and move on, but you always have the democratic choice to move to a EU country but my guess is you won’t’
② of ⑧ I replied: My Facebook page only supports strictly democratic means to achieve change. In a #democracy, if you lose, you don't have to give up. You can hope and campaign to win next time. That's precisely what #Brexiters did after they lost.
③ of ⑧ So, please, don't bring double standards to my Facebook page. If #Eurosceptics could campaign for a new vote after they lost, then so can #Remainers/ #Rejoiners too. If that was not the case, we would no longer have a democracy.