Thread on the global energy crisis 1- Investors do not invest for "wartime"!
That is why you end up with shortages during wars, especially when supplies and materials are diverted to the army.
3- Add #COVID19, supply chain issues, policy failures, domestic & international politics, violations of all energy security principles, and low investment in recent years because of low energy prices and hype of US shale, renewables, and #ElectricVehicles get energy crises
4- What analysts missed, including myself, is the domestic politics in several countries and its role in creating shortages. In particular, the problems between local governments & central governments in China, India, Russia. A lot of details here.. good for speaking engagements
5- Analysts and the media must focus on the role of NATIONALISM now: it is going to make the situation worse and more global. Limiting exports of energy sources and electricity is going to be pretty common. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is SPINLESS
6- Also ignored is the idea of "electrifying everything." We need to take a hard look at this: my can opener doesn't have to be electric, my house doors, shades, pool & garden sprinklers do have to be monitored electronically. I understand teh efficiency, but cost is too high
7- That brings us to the elephant in the room that is ignored by design: DATA CENTERS and their energy consumption. Extrapolate forward and you can see why energy crises will continue indefinitely.
Add electric autonomous vehicles .. we are in big trouble! #OOTT#Data
8- While drought around the world got wide media coverage, it was mostly from a climate change point of view.
The role of the drought in the current energy crises cannot be ignored. Some of it is related to the wrong policies and others to politics.
9- It is clear now we are seeing a return to sanity as some media outlets started exposing the failures, including the role of climate change policies. But strangely enough, European oil companies that carried the green banner are retracting. See examples below #Oil#OOTT
10- Remember that Equinor used to be Stata Oil. It changed its name & logo to look green.
The tweet below is from Eirik Wærness, Senior Vice President and Chief economist at Equinor! The future is clear... fits with my view, and makes me less worried. #Oil#OOTT
11- Shell got rid of its most polluting assets and focused on renewable energy... but look what its CEO said a few days ago. #Shell $RDS
Remember: divesting DOES NOT reduce global emissions
12- I am reposting two tweets here because they are relevant. We have to balance "energy security" with "environmental security." The problem is: Because of different time frames for each & varying political interests, we will move from crisis to crisis unless we reach a balance
13- Finally, it is about time the media starts asking hard questions about policy failures & the role of the IEA in these crises, including their advice to the Indian government. The IEA was established to ensure the energy security of its members. What happened? #OOTT
Typo: spineless
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Thread on higher energy prices in Europe 1- Several people are saying that higher fossil fuel prices in Europe will expedite the transition to renewables. Really? We have been there before!
2- The basic materials used in all energy sources are the same. Costs go up for all.
3- If demand for drilling equipment increases as oil & gas prices rise, basic materials for wind & solar may not be available. If available, they will be at higher prices. With oil above $75 & natural gas above $5, the oil industry can afford the increase in cost. Others cannot!
4- Oil & renewable energy are not substitutes in Europe, the US, China, and India. That where most of the global oil consumption is. 5- Natural gas is needed to back up solar & wind regardless of its price in a carbon neutrality world. Otherwise, coal is here to stay as a backup.
سلسلة تغريدات عن أهمية أفغانستان الاستراتيجية لسياسات التغير المناخي 1- لانعرف بالضبط ماهو دور أنابيب الغاز والنفط والثروات المعدنية لأفغانستان في الاحتلال الأميركي لها، أو الانسحاب منها، أو في السماح لطالبان في السيطرة عليها. #أفغانستان#طالبان
2- الحديث عن دور هذه الأنابيب والمعادن هو مجرد تخمين، أو هو مجرد منفعة إضافية، وهذا يعني أنها لم تكن الهدف الأساس لا في الدخول ولافي الخروج، ولكن لامانع من تحقيق منافع اضافية. وجود تصريحات أميركية عن أهميتها لايعني بالضرورة على أنها السبب.
3- خط أنبوب "تابي" ينقل الغاز من تركمانستان إلى أفغانستان ثم إلى الباكستان والهند بطول 1814 كم. الفكرة قديمة منذ التسعينيات، تم إنشاء أقسام منه في أفغانستان وفي باكستان. الخط مهم للغرب لأنه يضارب على إيران. مهم للباكستان والهند، ويخفف من اعتماد الصين على روسيا.
Thread on the Infrastructure Bill & Biden's asking OPEC to increase production 1- It is possible that the statement regarding OPEC is a routine one, which previous administrations had repeated multiple times. 2- But the timing makes us link it to the infrastructure bill. #OOTT
2- Economically, the infrastructure bill is inflationary. It increases the demand for almost everything, including petroleum products. Hence, it is logical to expect prices of these products to increase.
With inflation, the money dedicated to infrastructure will get less done!
3- Politically, the last thing the Biden Administration wants is to give Republicans a platform to attack the infrastructure bill by focusing on inflation, and fuel prices in particular. Therefore, the objective is to fight inflation on all levels, including higher fuel prices
1-3 It is a historic moment when the pro-climate change Biden Administration: 1- blocks oil pipelines in the US, ban drilling on n federal land, then asks OPEC to increase production so US dependence on foreign oil imports increases! #Oil#OPEC#OOTT
2-3 asking OPEC to increase oil production so gasoline price can decline, so people drive more, and produce more CO2 emissions!
3-3 asking OPEC to increase oil production, which needs more investment, a day after UN chief, who is also pro-climate change, called for immediate end to investment in oil and gas.
سلسلة تغريدات 1- حكى لي أحد أساتذتي، رحمه الله، أنه خرج من المدرسة في مدينة حلب السورية في الستينيات، وإذا بالناس يهرعون باتجاه معين. فسأل، فقالوا له أن مسؤول حكومي كبير سيتكلم..
ووصل إلى الساحة، وبدا المسؤول بالحديث عن سد تم بناؤه في المنطقة، وتم تدشينه في ذلك اليوم (يتبع)
2- وقال المسؤول: بنينا هذا السد الذي دشناه اليوم، حتى نتخلص من الاعتماد على رحمة السماء.
قال شيخنا: تمزق قلبي وأنا أسمع هذا الكلام... والله توقف المطر واستمر الجفاف ثلاثة سنوات، ضجت فيها الناس. ولم يجمع السد قطرة ماء واحدة.
3- ليس هدفي التركيز على النواحي الدينية هنا، ولكن على نقطة واحدة: وظيفة التكنولوجيا حل مشاكل البشر، وحل مشاكل تقلب الطقس. مشكلة غلاة التغير المناخي أنهم اختاروا كل أنواع التكنولوجيا التي هي رهينة الطقس، ظناً منهم أن فيها الأمن والاستقرار والإستدامة! المفروض اختيار العكس!