We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment which we strongly believe strengthens the science we conduct.
We encourage qualified applicants of all race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability and age to apply.
Eligibility 1: Enrolled in or completed an undergraduate degree in exercise science, exercise physiology, human kinetics, kinesiology, physical and health education, or related (exercise/physical activity focused).
Eligibility 2: Planning to or currently enrolled in graduate studies (MSc or PhD) with a career goal of conducting exercise science & human health research.
Eligibility 3: Commit to 5 hours/week (or more if you would like) for 1 year. Schedule is flexible (you choose when you work) to accommodate your other education, work and/or family responsibilities.
Eligibility 4: Must complete all @HeartInstitute virtual training (i.e. security, privacy, confidentiality, etc.).
Why apply 1: Virtual, global research internship in the #EPCHL which is located at the @HeartInstitute, the largest foremost cardiovascular health centre in Canada.
Why apply 2: Learn about our on-site and virtual clinical trials and research programs from our successful, passionate, bright, collaborative, and fun research team.
Why apply 3: Will be invited to attend our weekly virtual lab meetings (approximately 1-1.5 hours/week).
Why apply 4: The list is long 😀
Get involved in a broad range of virtual activities including: 1. Apply your critical thinking skills by attending weekly lab meetings & Think Tanks
2. Learn the research process of various study designs (i.e. pilot studies, RCTs, multi-centre)
3. Assist w/ literature & systematic reviews focused on sex/gender & exercise research
4. Improve your knowledge translation / science communication skills by creating content for our social media account or leading an education session of the topic of your choice
5. Assist with online recruitment strategies to reach a more diverse group of participants
6. Assist with online exercise sessions
7. Work as part of a multidisciplinary team
Why apply 5: Your photo and bio will be included on our lab web page (of course, you have joined the team!). An honorarium (value up to $1,500 CAD) may be available if funding permits and upon excellent performance.
How to apply: Please send a cover letter (max 500 words) and resume telling us why you are interested in joining the team and why you are the perfect fit for this internship. Please send your application to Dr. Tasuku Terada (tterada@ottawaheart.ca).
Deadline to apply is November 15, 2021. Anticipated start date is January 10, 2022. Only applicants considered for this position will be contacted for a virtual interview.
This week I worked alongside some of my #EPCHL team members (#postdocs, #PhD students) and colleagues to submit 2 applications (was involved in a 3rd). Same competition, same deadline.
Other #EPCHL staff continued to keep our 7+ other clinical trials running smoothly; they have this, they have superpowers that we don’t praise enough.
This brought up memories of a grant submission during graduate school where the PIs and PhD students.
I've re-pasted my prior comments here in one thread as it's hard to find amidst all the comments (see below)
These are key issues and happy to see such great discussions. From personal experience working w/ athletic to now #cardiacrehabilitation (~80% male attendance) populations, recruiting females is challenging. Just b/c it is tough, does not mean we should not strive for balance.
We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, which we strongly believe strengthens the science we conduct. We encourage all qualified women of all race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability and age to apply.
Eligibility 1: Enrolled in or completed an undergraduate degree in exercise science/physiology, human kinetics, kinesiology, physical and health education, or related (exercise focused!).
Interesting to see new @CIHI_ICIS data for #nurses in 🇨🇦. If interested in reading some of the work that has stemmed from our Champlain Nurses' Study @CNursesStudy and WALK Study see summary and links below: #womens ♥️ health
(1/6) I'm so honoured and excited to share that I've been awarded research funds from @HeartandStroke to support a randomized trial examining exercise training strategies (e.g. HIIT) in women with #heartdisease ♥️ @UOHIResearch@HeartInstitute
(2/6) Heart disease is the number one killer of women over 35 years.
Women are Understudied, Underdiagnosed, and Undertreated.
(3/6) My colleagues @thaiscoutinhoCV@DrAndrewPipe@Breid57Reid@Brunet_Jen Dr. Heather Tulloch. Dr. George Wells and Marja-Leena Keast (all Twitterless 😅)
and I are so grateful to continue our work in this important area.