I have this re-occurring nightmare where the harm reductionist & patients rights side gets pushed back into obscurity as the prohibitionist's side takes over again
This comes from I think my subconscious mind clicking into the fact that harm reduction & patient freedom are at the moment associated with a certain political faction
& when this faction becomes incredibly unpopular again it will take harm reduction w/ it
At the moment harm reduction is libertarians, some classic liberals & progressives cheerleading this movement
& if the new-right pro-government movement takes control with say, a new Trump presidency, that this would be very bad for the support of these pro-freedom ideas
I wouldn't say most Trump supporters are prohibitionists,
mostly they don't have an opinion & willing to support whatever their team goes with,
Last time around, Trump made friends w/ prohibitionists in medicine but libertarians in criminal reform
so it could go either way
Like in South Dakota, legalizing Marijuana was EXTREMELY popular,
But the political class didn't like it, & so they undid it & their republican supports in SD mostly just shrugged their shoulders at the change🤷♀️
for these ideas to make progress they need to make serious inroads with conservatives & red-staters so that these policy changes can happen
But most advocates in Harm Reduction are left-leaning & have no desire to do this whatsoever
when I say @ShellenbergerMD has a point that harm reduction policies become tied up w/ extremely unpopular social justice-based criminal reform & might endanger support
not a political bias situation as much as U are fighting against an entire worldview
I believe if they could detangle these pro-freedom ideas from the progressive demands list they could make serious progress in unfamiliar cultural territory
I know many serious thinkers in harm reduction & disability patients rights would be willing to do this,
No one wants to admit some ideas are more or less palatable than others
there's a "my way or the highway" type of thinking that seriously discourages any type of meaningful reform in any sphere of policy #politics#health#medtwitter#chronicpain
This is why there is no more compromise in our politics,
cuz no one is willing to make progress on their issue base while being unable to get every single policy thing they want
Which means nothing gets better & we all stay made at one another
Considering most of this is like 2 or 3 years ago my memory isn't perfect, but as far as i can recall & look at what stories are still around on the topic...
@RonToye@vicmignogna@Lupinfan83 It is true many of the original stories, especially those carried by the media like @AnimeNewsNet have been deleted or were asked to be taken down
i think even if U disagree & think equity statements are useful,
i hope we can agree that even still, this shouldn't be the highest priority for the AMA or other medical organizations
side projects are 1 thing, making it the main show while ignoring bigger things is a problem
I strongly think its a bad idea, but ignoring real problems to put out circle-jerk statements about how moral & noble you are is by itself a dangerous thing,
it leaves people like pain patients out in the lurch while you are making nice with all your DC friends