The following 🧵will attempt to establish that @fordnation & members of his cabinet including, but not limited to, @celliottability WILLFULLY & KNOWINGLY "by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means" defrauded the public AND...
...significantly "affecting public markets" via those INTENTIONAL fraudulent actions.
Further, as #Canada 's most populous province by a significant margin - #Ontario 's COVID-19 data also makes up a significant portion of the national data on cases, hospitalizations, etc.
#Ontario 's COVID-19 data therefore not only has a significant impact on the markets within the province, but nationally AND internationally to the degree of Canada's impact on trade & international markets.
This raises the question of the extent of @JustinTrudeau 's knowledge of the fraudulent data from #Ontario that HE then uses to "demonstrably justify" the limits that HE places on the freedoms of #Canadians
He is either: 1) Complicit 2) Ignorant, negligent & incompetent.
Consider the following section of #Canada 's Criminal Code:
"380 (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of...
any property, money or valuable security or any service,
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence...
(2) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, with intent to defraud,...
...affects the public market price of stocks, shares, merchandise or anything that is offered for sale to the public is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years."
1) Prior to COVID-19, a "case" of an infectious respiratory disease (i.e. Influenza, RSV, etc.) - was someone who was ill enough to seek out the medical attention that resulted in testing.
With COVID-19 they create a unique, faulty & EXTREMELY over-inclusive "case definition" (aka inclusion criteria) that require NO symptoms!
They report "cases", hospitalized "cases", "cases" in ICU, "cases" who died WITHOUT ANY indication to the public, businesses,...
...educators, banks, policy makers, economists, investors, media, parents, etc. - that those numbers are GROSSLY over-inflated due to their faulty "case definition".
There is NO way that ANY "reasonable" person could "reasonably" be expected to know otherwise!
2) Beyond proper inclusion criteria, for data to be accurate (whether research, science, medicine or business) - you must record the findings, results, outcomes, sales, revenue, etc. - in a manner that properly attributes the data to date to which it applies.
Whether reviewing research findings, clinical findings or financial data - when one finds or corrects data from past months, quarters, etc. - it would be both #fraudulent & deceitful to just add that data to today's numbers, findings, etc.
It would NOT be a #truthful or ACCURATE reflection of the ACTUAL situation.
Doing so however, has cost many people their reputations, tenure, funding, careers,...and often results in heavy fines and jail time!
EVERY DAY, historical data (i.e. cases, deaths) is dumped into the current daily numbers.
They will announce it ONLY when it is significant enough to be noticed - and justify it as "data cleanup" (aka data dump).
However, this has been happening EVERY DAY since 2020!
Today for example, 33% (2,122) of the cases began over a week ago, with some dating back as far as January 2021.
(H/T @Golden_Pup )
There is NO way that ANY "reasonable" person could "reasonably" be expected to be aware of this - even IF they could find/interpret that data.
3) Moving forward, only now that the FULLY-vaccinated make up the majority of cases, and are increasingly taking up more of our precious hospital beds & ICU beds - are they finally SORT OF admitting that they have a faulty "case definition".
a) They have FAILED to admit that our hospital & ICU data (AND cases AND deaths) have ALL been GROSSLY over-inflated due to THEIR faulty "case definition" SINCE DAY ONE!
They KNOWINGLY based ALL of their restrictions, lockdowns, school closures, shutdowns,...
...cancellation of surgeries & tests, #MaskMandates, #VaccineMandates, #VaccinePassports, BILLIONS of $$$ in spending, etc. - on their public FRAUDULENT MISREPRESENTATION of data - and in a manner that NO "reasonable" person could be "reasonably" expected to know otherwise.
b) Their smoke-and-mirrors supposed #transparency in providing pie graphs showing the % of patients admitted "for Covid" vs "for something else" - FAILS to provide what we really need to know - given their continued aggressive push for UNSCIENTIFIC #VaccineMandates .
Given that they continue to justify their #VaccineMandates & #VaccinePassports using fraudulently PRESENTED data - it is vital that they breakdown the % and numbers of pts. admitted "for something else" by vaccination status - INCLUDING the number of shots.
There have been credible reports of #testingbias at time of admission when some hospitals and/or specific clinicians will test ALL UNvaccinated pts. who are admitted - but ONLY test vaccinated pts. IF they are symptomatic.
This could have a significant impact.
c) Supposed data issues where health cards are not with the pt., not scanning properly, not manually entered correctly, expired, etc. - are blamed for the avg. of 25% DAILY of cases in hospital & ICU - that are classified as "Unknown vaccination status".
Local Health Units scramble the next day to find this information - and then submit it separately to the Ministry of Health ASAP.
@fordnation & @celliottability conveniently leave this data out of the daily pie graphs - which the media, decision makers, & the public then...
...INCORRECTLY use to calculate hospitalization rates by vaccination status.
That Ford & Elliot REFUSE to correct this months-long #datasnafu - AND refuse to update the public on the previous day's/week's corrected data - is again, the WILLFUL, deceptive, and...
Mental health crises, decimation of small businesses, destruction of our economy, prices gouging, record unemployment, damage to trade & markets, supply chain crises - are ALL a result of decisions justified by FRAUDULENTLY PRESENTED data!
They give the ILLUSION of #transparency - but we're NOT going to tell you which group the has more UNvaccinated vs Vaccinated - NOR how many shots they've had. NOPE!
Rumors of testing bias? PLS don't ask!
We are quite pleased that most of #Ontario & the media actually thought that adding the numbers in these graphs gave you correct totals.
We were quite tickled that many of you calculated rates using these graphs.
973 are missing from the 1st graph!
150 from the 2nd!
1) HUMILITY - to admit that they have made mistakes...not just at the beginning, but each step of the way...from repeated #Lockdowns , #shortcutvaccines , #VaccineMandates ,...
... #VaccinePassports , #MaskMandates , capacity limits, plexiglass barriers, etc. - NONE of which has the scientific merit to meet the threshold of a "reasonable limits" on the freedoms of those in #Ontario & #Canada - as they can NOT be "demonstrably justified".
Congratulation #Ontario !
88.5% have at least 2 shots.
33.3% have 3 shots.
The FULLY-vaccinated have a HIGHER infection RATE per 100,000 & avg. 80% of new cases.
AND you hit a new record high of hospitalizations at 3,220!
Only 17.1% of hospitalizations are UNvaccinated...
...which is close to their % of the population.
ICU data lags at least 2 weeks behind hospitalizations...and the FULLY-vaccinated are already set to take the lead there as well.
205 deaths in the FIRST 10 DAYS of Jan - which is MORE then the ENTIRE month of Dec.
@fordnation & @celliottability
Please tell us the following (You owe us that much): 1) the vaccination status (2, 3, 4 shots) of the FULLY-vaccinated cases, hospitalizations, ICU, Vents,...AND DEATHS.
2) the vaccination status of the "incidentals" vs. "due to COVID-19"...
...pts. in hospital and ICU.
3) the vaccination status of your DAILY #datasnafu of "Unknown vaccination status" pts.
542 in hospital today, and 160 in ICU - which you conveniently keep out of the daily pie graphs.
4) @celliottability - your tweet today stated, "it is important to share this data to provide additional context on the state of the pandemic."
Imagine if... 1) ... @fordnation or @JustinTrudeau would have NOT accepted a #shortcutvaccine that was quicker to make, but provided INFERIOR immunity compared to traditional vaccines?