Global #Deaths are now all-time low since the start of mass #vaccination. #Cases are also not rising. (plots attached)
2. For #India#COVID19 Deaths and Cases are now all-time low since beginning of #pandemic (plot)! Hence not at all an #emergency; instead, heading towards normalcy after two years.
There is indeed not an emergency for US too (plot).
3. Israel began vaccinating 5–11 years old in Nov, 2021 and initiated the fourth #dose during Jan, 2022. Israel in fact is leading/ guiding the vaccine rollout strategy.
For #Israel, the recent peak not only in Cases but also for Deaths reached an all-time high (plot).
4. Gibraltar is the country that achieved the highest target for #vaccination first and attained/ maintained 100% vaccination since May 2021. Though #Cases of the latest peak reached unprecedented high for the whole of the #pandemic (Plots attached).
5. Countries had unusual #COVID19 Deaths recently: Singapore, South Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, Iceland, New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Japan.
Almost all had nominal Cases, Deaths prior to Sept'21 (3rd dose was initiated). All are among topmost vaccinated till 21st Mar'22.
6. Is more vaccination causing to lose natural immunity?
Countries having most coercive measures including vaccine mandates, stringent vaccine rules and restrictions are the worst hit in recent period in terms of Deaths (and Cases too) e.g, New Zealand, Australia and Canada.
7. More questions: If situations became worst and unusual in recent period for the whole #pandemic to those leading countries, what objectives have been achieved in controlling transmission using those #vaccine#strategies and #coercion?
8. Knowing so many adverse effects of vaccine, death rate among children are practically nominal and the effects of vaccines wane in four months’ time, why vaccinating children of various age groups are still initiated step by step?
9. Noting previous experience that Cases & Deaths increased suddenly after the rollout of vaccines, new rollouts are promoted step by step when global deaths are so low and reached beginning of #pandemic level (Mar‘20).
One wonders, why such a timing?
10. Few propositions and hope people will join hands regardless of who agree or disagree with frequent doses and child vaccinations.
a) Countries should investigate adverse reactions and if responsible, vaccine companies should be made liable to compensate for harms & deaths.
11. b) Out of any announced global #crisis and #emergency, no one should be allowed to make profits. The huge profits so far made by vaccine companies and related businesses should be taxed under a specific #COVID19 tax scheme.
12. These two measures (a & b) will help bringing back to normalcy. Hope those will be acted upon without further delays.
@C0PE@SpringerNature@RetractionWatch 3) There was no open #public#debate allowed before retraction. Then how #transparency is maintained and how the right of the author is protected? A negative review can be written for any paper and a paper rejected in one journal can also be published in another journal.
Results are consistent if more countries are included. Studies using different statistical techniques also confirmed that. Thus main findings of the study are robust.