Yesterday, in one of its most significant attacks in recent times, ISIS-Sinai operatives managed to kill 11 soldiers and officers belonging to the 551st Egyptian Army... (1/4)
Battalion, critically injuring another 5.
The location of the attack is also significant - near area el-Qantara, on the east bank of the Suez Canal. Just last month, the Egyptians boasted a record-high montly revenue from the passage of ships, and that is likely why... (2/4)
ISIS Sinai chose to attack an Egyptian outpost near a water station on the banks of the canal.
Despite Egyptian marketing, ISIS Sinai expands its influence outside of its stronghold in the north-eastern part of the Sinai penninsula, moving west.
#Gaza - Cafe24, the popular App that is also a pyramid scheme
Sophisticated pyramid schemes are gaining popularity among Gaza's unemployed youth.
The latest trend is an App is called "Cafe24". Registration costs $100 (coincidentally, this is the amount that... (1/4)
families in need receives from #Qatar on a monthly basis). Subscribers are handed daily tasks on the App, and are mainly required to click on sponsored advertisements to “guarantee” an alternative source of "income" of around half a dollar per day.
Those who choose... (2/4)
to put additional funds into their account receive higher commissions and can even double the amount of money they earn every day, at least on paper...
Due to its popularity, different Apps similar to "Cafe24" have started emerging, despite the numerous warnings... (3/4)
An impressive first election rallies for Hezbollah, with #Nasrallah delivering a speech virtually in Nabatiyeh and Tyre.
In his speech, Nasrallah mainly played the #Israeli card, boasting Hezbollah's... (1/4)
military power and the achievements of the "resistance" against Israel. This comes in response to the criticism voiced by Hezbollah's opponents this election on the issue of the illegal weapons that Hezbollah possesses, a Shiite militia that exists in parallel to the... (2/4)
Lebanese army.
Nasrallah stressed that according to surveys, Lebanese citizens are far less interested in Hezbollah's weapons and are more concerned with the harsh living conditions in Lebanon (he only forgot note that these same weapons are a contributing factor to... (3/4)
#Israel is working to mitigate Fidaa Kiwan's death sentence
Arab media outlets report that Issawi Frij, the Israeli Minister for Regional Cooperation, sent an official letter to the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates requesting a reduction in the sentence of... (1/4)
Israeli citizen Fida'a Kiwan. Faraj arrived at the #UAE embassy and addressed the ambassador, saying that "in the eyes of the Israeli government, and since Fida'a is an Israeli citizen, we should do everything in our power to help her". Faraj added that the letter he... (2/4)
delivered was only the first step in helping Fida'a, and that further steps would follow.
I will mention that according to sources in the UAE, Kiwan initially refused official visits from Israeli officials while in prison, due to her pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli... (3/4)
Following the chants in #Gaza against the Saudi royal family and in support of the Houthis, #Iran's loyalists in #Yemen, the Palestinian... (1/5)
Authority, #Fatah, and #Hamas hurried today to issue statements renouncing and condemning the Houthis:
#PA: We condemn the Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and support our Arab brethren. We reject any violation of Arab symbols.
Fatah: The... (2/5)
position of the Palestinian leadership has always been not to interfere in the internal affairs of Arab states. We welcome all the Arab peoples who stand in support of the Palestinians.
And perhaps the most interesting reaction of all was Hamas'. Hamas controls the... (3/5)