👧22 meses, finca familiar con muchas moscas: secreción conjuntival y ojo derecho rojo de 2-3 semanas con algo que se mueve. No refieren viajes al extranjero
En canto externo de ojo D, nematodos en movimiento (vídeo) 1/3 continuum.aeped.es/screens/play/1… #pediatria#ophthalmology
Thelazia callipaeda es un nematodo y la causa más frecuente de telaziosis en humanos, perros y gatos.
Produce sensación de cuerpo extraño, epífora, conjuntivitis y úlceras corneales.
Tratamiento: extracción manual de los parásitos 2/3
Los cánidos salvajes y domésticos son los principales hospedadores definitivos.
La mosca de la fruta Phortica variegata: vector y hospedador intermedio. 3/3
Potential levels of the outbreak in England: Level 2 (transmission within a defined sub-population).
Geographic spread: cases are concentrated in London (74% of cases) 1/ 👇 gov.uk/government/pub…
Of cases with information:
✔️97% (681 out of 699) are in gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (GBMSM)
✔️More than half had history of STI in the last year
✔️30% (123) were living with HIV
✔️31% (134) had 10 or more sexual partners in the last 3 months 2/
The above report does not indicate which of the 2 clades of #MonkeypoxVirus are responsible for the cases.
The reported case fatality rate of 3.6% is higher than the usual 1% for the West African clade but lower than the up to 10% for the Central African clade. 2/
Treatment of Non-tuberculous Mycobacterium could be challenging due to intrinsic antibiotic #resistance. Bacteriophage therapy represents a potentially novel approach.
Phages were administered intravenously, by aerosolization, or both to 20 patients
Favorable clinical or microbiological responses were observed in 11 patients.
A 26-YO👩🦰, sexually active: 1-month of right knee and metacarpal arthralgia, tenosynovitis & pustules on her hand, developed an enlarging chest wall mass.
CT: an abscess on her chest wall, requiring drainage. 1/4
Lactante 4 meses, dermatitis atópica, su hermana con laringitis aguda: erupción papulosa de evolución a costras en 1 día, predominando sobre placas de eccema preexistentes.
Se inician en el tronco, incluyen cabeza, área del pañal y vesículas en boca. 1/5
@aepediatria El eccema coxsackium puede producir fiebre con pápulas, vesículas y costras confluyentes en región peribucal, cuello, tronco, antebrazos, pantorrillas y dorso de manos y pies.
Generalmente, una enfermedad autolimitada con buen pronóstico. 3/5