1. Dementia caused by #Alzheimers disease is a relentlessly progressive #brain disease. Sufferers have #memory loss and impaired cognitive functions. Many require assistance for carrying out daily living activities.
2. People with dementia are often depressed and have poor quality of life.
Immediate recall and recent memory are the most affected in dementia, whereas remote memory is preserved until later stages.
Memory of music (especially their favorite ones) is also retained in many.
3. In a study, effects of music on #mood and quality of life of seniors suffering from dementia were assessed.
Over a period of 6 weeks, the seniors listened to their favorite music via headphones and an MP3 player for 20 minutes at a time three or four times a week.
4. Nurses observed relaxation and calming in almost 28% of seniors, improved mood in around 26%, and more frequent reactions and stronger social communication in 13%.
5. Music is a cost-effective, low-risk, and relatively easy-to-use way to improve people's well-being.
It can offer people suffering from dementia a moment of joy, of memory, or of well-being.
#Kiwifruit found effective in #constipation 1. Constipation is a common problem and drug treatments do not work in many.
In a recent trial, efficacy of kiwifruit was tested in patients with functional constipation (FC) & constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C)
2. Participants were randomly assigned to consume either two ripe green kiwifruit without the skins, or 7.5 g of #psyllium per day for 4 weeks.
Psyllium (OTC) is considered a first-line treatment for both the constipation conditions with which participants were diagnosed.
3. At the end of the 4-week treatment periods, the people with functional constipation who ate kiwifruit demonstrated an average increase of 1.53 bowel movements per week, a statistically significant increase.
Those with IBS-C demonstrated an increase of 1.73 bowel movements.
A teenager whose unusual #disease forced him to live a #lonely life
1. Sam was a bubbly kid until the age of 8, when his parents noted that he would blink his eyes on an off. This did not trouble Sam, however, he was taken for an eye check up, which didn't show any abnormality.
2. Two years later, he started shrugging his shoulder and would occasionally hop on one leg. This would repeat 5-6 times in a day. Sam had no control on these movements. Again, this did not bother Sam but his parents were perturbed. They thought Sam is being naughty. #MedTwitter
3. By age 12, Sam started to make some unusual sounds, as if he is clearing his throat or grunting. Sam had no control on these sounds too.
His friends had started making fun of him. He could suppress them for a few minutes, however, after that, movements & sounds would return.
1. A pack of cigarettes costs Rs 330. For a month, it would cost Rs 9900 (one pack/day).
A 30-year old person has the option of smoking one pack/day or investing this amount in #mutualfunds via #SIP route.
2. If Rs 10000/ is invested every month in mutual funds via SIP route (since age 30) and the expected return is 10% per annum, the savings would become a whopping 2.28 crores after 30 years (when he turns 60).
3. In addition, not smoking would reduce the risk of #heartattack, #stroke and several #cancers.
Medical insurance premium would also be lower.
So, healthcare costs would be significantly lesser for a non-smoker (as compared to a smoker).
A woman in whom "pain-reliever" became "pain-giver"
1. 35-year old woman, known case of #migraine for 12 years, presented with increased frequency & severity of headaches for past 6 months (#headache occurred every single day in the past 3 months). #MedTwitter#neurotwitter
2. Headache started early in the morning on awakening, after which she would take pain-relievers (sumatriptan, naproxen or ergotamine), which would relieve her headache for 4-6 hours, only to return by early evening. She would consume 30-40 tablets of pain-relievers every month.
3. She had disturbed sleep and also had features of #anxiety and #depression.
Headache, taking "pain-reliever" tablets, short duration pain relief followed by rebound headaches after 4-6 hours, occurring on daily basis had become a vicious cycle for her.
A salesman who got slapped by a lady customer when his right eye winked without his control
1. 45-year old man presented with involuntary #winking of right #eye of 6 months duration. It occurred several times in a day and he could not control them. He had no other symptoms.
2. He was a salesman in a cosmetics shop and most of the customers were women.
It was a usual day for him at work when his right eye winked at a lady customer (while talking about a product). She misunderstood it and slapped him. All his explanation could not pacify her.
3. With help from his boss and lengthy discussion with the woman's family, the matter was amicably resolved.
However, his job was at stake and he decided to seek a Neurologist's opinion.
Case of a woman in whom “Runny Nose” was caused by a Brain Disease
1. 35-year-old woman presented with intermittent #runny#nose and #headache of one month duration.
Local physician suspected #sinus infection, treated her with a course of antibiotics, with which she improved.
2. Symptoms recurred one week back after which she consulted me for a “permanent cure of her sinus infection”.
I decided to delve deeper into the history. #MedTwitter#neurotwitter
3. Runny nose occurred only from left nostril. It occurred 4-5 times per week.
Discharge from nose was watery and it increased on bending the head downwards.