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Jan 8th 2023
How COVID actively suppresses and evades your immune system [Part 2]

Part 2 looks at how mild and moderate #COVID infection reprograms white #blood cells (#monocytes) to reduce #innate #immune functions and how it evades the mucus layer in our #nose. 🧵1/ Image of an AI generated interpretation of a COVID virus rep
An unrolled one-page web view for both parts of this long thread that may be easier to read or share can be found here ( ). 2/
If you haven't read part 1 yet on how the virus hides from T-cells and NK immune cells you can find it here: 3/
Read 29 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
How #COVID actively suppresses and evades your immune system [Part 1]

This thread highlights multiple methods that the virus uses to help keep reinfecting people including MHC-I and interferon suppression, evasion of Natural Killer (NK) cells, and reprogramming of monocytes.🧵1/ AI generated image of immun...
An unrolled one-page web view for this long thread that may be easier to read or share can be found here ( ). 2/
COVID has been doing this to varying degrees since the beginning which further reinforces that a vaccine only policy is not enough to stop the cycle of sickness, long term disability, and death. 3/
Read 39 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
Case of a woman in whom “Runny Nose” was caused by a Brain Disease

1. 35-year-old woman presented with intermittent #runny #nose and #headache of one month duration.
Local physician suspected #sinus infection, treated her with a course of antibiotics, with which she improved.
2. Symptoms recurred one week back after which she consulted me for a “permanent cure of her sinus infection”.
I decided to delve deeper into the history.
#MedTwitter #neurotwitter
3. Runny nose occurred only from left nostril. It occurred 4-5 times per week.
Discharge from nose was watery and it increased on bending the head downwards.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
Estornudos 🤧

Todo el mundo sabe que se puede estornudar por gripe, alergia o cualquier irritación nasal momentánea pero…

…si tú o alguien que conoces ESTORNUDA CON LA LUZ☀️, DESPUÉS DE COMER🍇 O POR EXCITACIÓN SEXUAL🔥, este hilo es para ti


Estornudar es un reflejo protectivo🛡 y en ocasiones puede ser signo de alguna condición médica. Ocurre debido a la estimulación del tracto respiratorio alto (o superior), particularmente de la cavidad nasal👃🏼


#Sneeze #Nose #RespiratoryTract
A lo largo de la historia se le ha dado diferentes explicaciones a estornudar, incluyendo #mitos y #supersticiones, ej: grieg@s y roman@s creían q era un signo de #bienestar y expresaban buenos deseos a la persona q lo hacía diciendo “Larga vida” o “Que Júpiter te bendiga”

Read 14 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
1/46 Ενώ ο ΠΘ έκανε συγκινητικό #διάγγελμα αξύριστος και αποφασισμένος να αντιμετωπίσει την ακρίβεια με μέτρα/ τομές στην καρδία της οικονομίας, και εν μέσω εξελίξεών στις υποθέσεις #πατρα, και δίκες #λιγνάδης/ #φιλιππίδης πάμε σε θρεντάκι για να παραθέσουμε τις επεξηγήσεις και… Image
2/46 …το γλωσσάρι για όλες τις έννοιες που χρησιμοποιούνται (στα αγγλικά) στα θρεντς, με πολλούς φίλους/ ες να επισημαίνουν (με το δίκιο τους) ότι τους δυσκολεύει στην ανάγνωση.
3/46 Ειδική μνεία πρέπει να γίνει στις αγαπητές @SiliaBou & @AthinaKe για την πολύτιμη βοήθειά τους στο προτζεκτ αυτό. Gracie ladies <3
Read 47 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
9/gpc Intensity of exposure to Corona virus matters. Which is why all household members get sick if they don't take precautions during home quarantine of one member. It's also why bars, party rooms & public bathrooms are most dangerous.
10/gpc This means we will have to follow the five safety precautions mentioned in first tweet & repeated in 🧵, even after new cases decline(ie for 6-12 months) :
Read 18 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/02/2020…
The Vagus Nerve is Key to Well-Being | Elemental…

#Vagus #health
Breathing Through Your Nose Is Healthier for You | Elemental…

#nose #coronavirus #breathing
Read 7 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
I am sorry that for the next few days I am going to be posting a lot of selfies. I have plans for other photos -- the cats, some experiments, landscapes, @EmpressNorton -- but I have to clean out my cell phone in the meantime. #photography
#photograph #photography #selfie #selfportrait #seniorcitizen #man #beard
Joel Sax shared a #photo with you from the #Flickr app! Check it out:
Read 5 tweets
Jan 2nd 2019
...#Positivity is in each & everyone of us. Let it flow more often, makes a better day. #SirLRO
...#Positivity ~none said it was easy, all you have to do is one step at a time. I know you can, keep going. #SirLRO
~ #Positivity there is no need for deprecating others with words, when it calls for~there is a need for compassion, it’s in you, #SirLRO
Read 246 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
A story written with no plan or script through nano-chapters using the prompts from #vss365 #AmWriting #SunScribbles #SunWIP #SciFi #Satsplat #BadWordSat
#Swim steady and firm”, 15 yr old David told the others. They had been prepared. Their go-bags had the clothes approved by Deplorables and they had a small list of safe-houses in the mainland. All the adults in the island died do make their escape possible. #vss365 #AmWriting
In the mainland, it was safer to marry the kids to each other. They would live with their assigned parents according to the fake identity genealogy. What used to be known as the #cycle of abuse had been normalized. They had to blend in and hide in plain sight. #vss365 #AmWriting
Read 50 tweets

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