2. The #Chinese fleet is often found guilty of #overfishing,
killing protected species,
falsifying licenses and docs, #espionage,
seizing territories &
producing tons of sea #waste.
4. #Chinese ships disable their transponders close to EEZ of other countries to avoid being detected by the #AIS system; a practice called “marine radar evasion”.
8. As the IOR becomes an epicenter of geopolitics, activities of Chinese ships are not limited to fishing legally or otherwise.
These spy ships gather intelligence, conduct #espionage, information surveys, and space tracking in the #IOR, including in India’s #Andaman Islands.
9. Taking advantage of #corruption, weaker #navies and ambiguous EEZs in countries like Papua New Guinea, #Tonga, #Fiji, etc, the Chinese have fished over 1 million hours in 2022.
Even stronger nations like #Australia & #NewZealand are struggling with Chinese incursions.
10. #China’s presence in #SouthAmerica is posing a serious environmental threat. Huge amounts of waste including bottles, containers of marine oil, and Chinese-labeled jute bags have been collected on Galapagos’ coasts.
This is leading to ocean #acidification, warmer seas and reduced #oxygen levels in the water.
Catching a significant amount of bycatch, the vessels are severely overfishing as well.
13. #Disputes : #Chinese fleet is infamous for practicing systemic illegal fishing and #aggressive tactics when confronted by competitors or foreign patrol vessels.
Moreover, they’ve been carrying out illegal construction activities in #Spratly islands, ensuing further disputes
14. #Protests are erupting world over against the Chinese fleets. These fleets are often linked to illegal activities like encroaching other nations’ territorial waters, abusing workers and killing endangered species.
Fishermen trained in basic military tactics onboard armed fishing boats are used to assert sovereignty in disputed waters and act as mobile #surveillance stations for #PLA.
16. #FlagDisguise: #Chinese vessels misuse flags of host countries/flags of convenience, in #African countries like #Ghana to avoid getting caught by the AIS.
Vessels Yu Feng 1, 3 & 4 were flying under china’s flag but switched to Ghana’s as they entered Ghana’s EEZ recently.
17. #RacialAbuse : Workers from #Kenya and #Indonesia working onboard #Chinese ships have accused their Chinese managers of mistreatment and racial abuse. Many workers have died onboard due to lack of proper food, water and excessive working hours.
18. #Pollution : In the #Galapagos archipelago, biologists and experts say Chinese boats in the region are dumping huge amounts of plastic waste into the water.
Similar issues have been reported in Asian and African waters as well.
19. Although #Sharkfishing is banned throughout Central and South America, #Chinese consume it as a delicacy.
This encourages the ships to mock the laws and completely ignore the bans, hiding their illegal catch by transferring it between ships to evade naval patrols.
20. #Unemployment : #Chinese trawlers catch all the bottom fish including the small pelagic fish like Sardinella on which more than 330,000 fishermen depend to earn a living.
This led to rampant unemployment as well as deficiencies in local people.
21. Read, download and share the complete report only on Ij-Reportika.
1. A thread analysis of #Argentina-#China relations through our previous reports, reports from our on-ground reporters, and SM influencers.
Argentina already has a base operated by the #Chinese military in the province of #Neuquén.
2. Now plans to add a port for #Beijing in the #RíoGrande, on the continent's southern tip.
The location of Rio Grande is of extreme strategic importance and crucial for the world in general.
3. Since 2018, #Chinese fishing vessels have spent 1 million hours fishing between #Argentina’s maritime border and the high seas, yet spent 600,000 hours ‘in the #dark,’ suspected of illegal fishing within #Argentine waters in the South Atlantic.
Report: ij-reportika.com/the-illegal-ch…
2. "The #BRI Status: A Grand Report on Its Present and Future" sheds light on numerous challenges faced by BRI like:
cost overruns,
environmental damage,
funding issues,
repeated delays,
lack of progress,
and poor quality of development. @Santos4Congress
3. According to our investigation, 62.8% of the countries that have joined the #BRI are #developing countries, while around 17% are #developed countries.