A fake British intelligence report is now circulating all over the telegram, which allegedly says that Putin is trying to persuade #Ukraine and the West to negotiate on the terms of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the #Kherson and #Zaporizhzhia ⬇️
2. regions in exchange for #Crimea. At the same time, the report allegedly says that the Russian General Staff has enough resources to completely capture the #Donetsk and #Luhansk regions. Thus, the fake report promotes a narrative favorable to the Kremlin about leaving the war⬇️
3. with the occupation of Ukrainian territories.
Why it's fake is very simple.
1. The text is written with errors. The city of Zaporozhye (#Zaporizhzhia) is twice written differently - in Ukrainian and Russian transliteration - Zaporizhzhia and Zaporozhye.⬇️ #StopRussia
4. British intelligence in their reports adheres exclusively to Ukrainian transliteration.
2. Hyphenation in words. British intelligence does not use hyphenation in its reports. Hyphenation is generally not common in English-language documents and is rarely used.⬇️ #StopRussia
5. 3. Abbreviation "RF". British intelligence never uses it. Every time British intelligence uses abbreviations, it explains them, and it would be written like this: Russian Federation (RF).
4. #Kherson region is sometimes written with a small letter, sometimes with a ⬇️
6. capital letter. The British do not allow such banal and idiotic slips of the pen.
5. Fake - in low resolution. The original is always in HD.
6. British intelligence never gives any "insiders" about any negotiations and other processes. It always gives exclusively⬇️
7. assessments of the political situation and actual hostilities.
7. Tritely go to the official channel of British intelligence - there is no such tweet (see the screen in my first tweet marked "fake") - no. Instead, there is a completely different report - about the current⬇️
8. situation in #Bakhmut. Therefore, none of the channels forcing this fake gives a link to the original source.
So, no one inclines #Ukraine to negotiate on unfavorable terms for it. Please pay attention to implausible details and check the sources.⬇️ #RussiaIsATerroristState
1.❗️ #Russia bypassing sanctions receives key technologies for the war in #Ukraine through third countries, #Bloomberg.
According to the publication, Russian imports in general have largely returned to pre-war levels in 2020, and an analysis of trade⬇️ bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
2. data suggests that modern chips and integrated circuits produced in the #EU and other allied countries are being supplied to #Russia via third countries such as #Turkey, #UAE and #Kazakhstan.
3. $3.7 million worth of advanced semiconductors to #Russia, up from just $12,000 the year before the war.
In the period from 2017 to 2021, the #RussianFederation annually bought advanced chips and integrated circuits for an average of 163 million dollars from the #EU,⬇️
1. In #Russia, they decided to respond to the visits of the Ukrainian command to the front - and pretended that Shoigu had personally appeared at the front. Namely, in the command post of the troops.
On the right, the destroyed building, against the background of which Shoigu⬇️
2. appeared, bears little resemblance to a control post. Inside, too, everything speaks of a hastily put together decoration: camouflage netting on the walls, a bunch of tables, hanging campaign posters, scattered colored markers and mineral water in a glass (maybe vodka?🤣).⬇️
3. And of course, orders to "heroes of special operations". An interesting moment - one of the awardees says that she is happy to receive the award from the hands of Shoigu:⬇️
1. In #Moscow per day:
▪️A family of businessmen-realtors in a rented apartment - Pavel and Maria Sorokin was killed. The bodies of the dead show signs of violent death. Remarkably, Evgeny Chichvarkin's mother was killed in the same apartment in 2010.⬇️ #RussiaIsATerroristState
2.▪️An employee of the Gamaleya Center and the developer of the Sputnik V vaccine Andrey Botikov was killed. He was strangled with a belt by a 29-year-old "guest" after an alleged quarrel with a scientist. The "guest" was detained and admitted his guilt during the interrogation.
The hit of the new $400 million #US military aid package for #Ukraine: #AVLB armored bridgelayers.
For forcing river4s during the offensive - that's it. The exact number is not called.
Well, besides, the package contains standard ammunition for artillery and #HIMARS. #stoprussia
3. Bridgelayers from the new aid package from the #US, this is #AVLB.
Good vehicles for a quick crossing during the development of our offensive. It is logical and expected, because dozens of new mechanized and assault ⬇️ #StandWithUkraine#Ukraine#RussiaIsATerroristState
2. and all of them have unknown owners. And this is already the largest shadow fleet in the history of shipping. #Russia is buying 25 to 35 large tankers every month to increase the number of ships it can carry to bypass #sanctions.⬇️ #RussiaIsATerroristState#SanctionsRussia
3. The shadow fleet of the country already reaches 600 tankers, which is 10% of the world volume of vessels of this class, - #CNN
Tankers carrying Russian oil are divided into two categories: "gray" and "dark" ships.