When I (would) describe what most elected officials do for #Homeless people, I (would) say that they do as much as their constituents will let them get away with. Today won't be the case with @CMWhitburnD3 at the behest of @MayorToddGloria
today's discussion about amendments to the @CityofSanDiego's Municipal Code Related to Unauthorized Camping or Encampments on Public Property should be condemned
Whitburn is following the lead of his #NIMBY constituents when they won't allow any small measure to relieve the suffering of their #neighbors kpbs.org/news/evening-e…
I don't use "neighbors" freely - I did the research - the majority of faces of #homelessness aren't being bused in from out of state. reddit.com/r/sandiego/com…
We all should reciprocate the support that @SupFletcher gave to all of #SanDiego County during the #COVID19#pandemic. He and other county officials responsible for our health were subjected to irrational and venomous attacks for their efforts to save constituents' lives.
His house was firebombed just over a year ago. His partisan conversion drew constant invective from extremists, people who menace their neighbors.
Understandably, a man who survived combat in uniform wouldn't expect to be assaulted by #fascist nihilists after being elected to a constitutional office.
.@prattprattpratt is the worst kind of Californian. Because those who have #housing are often most culpable for standing in the way of solutions - even of ½ @$$ed solutions.
This bleat about #homelessness + isn't what it seems to be: elected officials are delivering the level of service and solutions that voters require of them. You can drive along a freeway or around MacArthur Park 2 see that is a low bar. His in-laws could explain this to him.
in simple, ideologically free terms that anyone who got a C in basic economics would understand, we are not building enough homes calmatters.org/housing/2022/1…
.@vosdscott was talking about #homelessness about 35 minutes into the VOSD podcast from a few days ago. I've spent some time thinking through what he & @andy_keatts were talking about.
I read about/ hear most people reducing #unhoused people to abstractions and dismissing what is obvious about living #homeless: the stress of not having your own residence makes you kind of crazy. It's natural.
People with means and a few rungs up on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are blind to where the homeless are. thoughtco.com/maslows-hierar…
I was told by an employee not wearing a mask that I could not put my reusable bags on the register conveyor belt because "it isn't safe."
I didn't pick a fight, but the #covidiocy of the situation sticks with me.
Your staff doesn't seem to understand that an unmasked human being (uncovered mouth and nose) is much more likely to infect a person than a virus on a reusable bag that may be transferred on to any part of the check stand. cdc.gov/coronavirus/20…