2/8 From last 1.5 YEARS
For the #Allergic cough, the father had to give her daughter
📌Antiallergic (Monteleukast + Levocetrizine)
📌Steroids (Prednisolone)
📌Cough Syrup (Levosalbutamol etc)
📌“INHALER (first BUDICORT 100 & then ESIFLO 125) was being administered to the girl
3/8 child from last 1.5 yrs - despite regular use of inhaler
The girl used to get Severe DRY COUGH every 15th day,
due to which the girl started having DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING
& she got relief only after NEBULIZING her
📌Frequent use of ANTIBIOTICS.
Above history was given
4/8 by the father.
You may easily #google search about the Fatal SIDE EFFECTS of LONG TERM USE of these Drugs, & also search How long term use of these medicines HAMPER the PHYSICAL & MENTAL GROWTH of a child.
5/8 The #Ayurveda treatment of the child was started.
4 May 2023
After 1 MONTH of #Ayurveda medicines, the father of the kid consulted us & gave following feedback:
✅ 70-80% improvement in all the symptoms of the kid.
✅Now she is not on inhaler (previously Inhaler was used
6/8 twice a day)
✅Now the Pt. is only on few Allopathic med. SOS (whenever required) under the supervision of her Pediatrician
T/t is still in progress
This case shows
HOW ALLOPATHY & AYURVEDA can help the humanity if they work together
Even a Pediatrician (Child specialist)
7/8 doesn’t wish to keep a child on these med. 4 long term, but s/he is forced 2 do so coz s/he is not aware abt. the POTENTIAL OF AYURVEDA in managing such chronic diseases.
This is not the 1st case, I (& many qualified Ayurveda Dr) hv been managing large no. of such cases from
8/8 last several years.
Plz share/RT this tweet in all ur social media groups so that it could reach parent of such children & they could consult a nearby qualified Ayurveda Dr.
Also plz connect with @AyurvedaMonk & help me educate the world about authentic #Ayurveda
#Prayagraj व देश में #dengue के बढ़ते केस व #platelets के लिए मचे हाहाकार के कारण मैं ये पोस्ट पुनः लिख रहा हूँ!
घर पर बन सकने वाला ये #Ayurveda#काढ़ा#प्लेट्लेट्स संख्या कम होने से सफलतापूर्वक रोकता है, ऐसा मेरा 12 वर्षों का अनुभव है!
कृपया शेयर कर लोगों की सहायता करें!
2/n हर साल ये काढ़ा मैं हज़ारों मरीज़ों को देता रहा हूँ, लेकिन फिर भी असंख्य मरीज़ों को ये काढ़ा मैं नहीं दे पाता हूँ,
इसलिए इस काढ़े को #घर_पर_बनाने_का_तरीक़ा मैं फिर से शेयर कर रहा हूँ, ताकि आप इसे घर पर भी भविष्य की ज़रूरत के लिए बना कर रख सकें!
1 लीटर काढ़ा बनाने में मात्र लगभग ₹3000/ का खर्च आता है (अगर जड़ी बूटियाँ ठीक मिल जाएँ तो), और इतना काढ़ा #Dengue के 2 रोगियों के लिए पर्याप्त है!
निम्नलिखित सूखी हुयी जड़ी-बूटियों को बराबर मात्रा में लीजिएः
Plz RT this post in large no. to save your near & dear ones from such frauds.
I could avoid this only because someone previously told me about this.
2/n A new no. initiates a #whatsapp
chat with you, & in the DP of this no. you see a provocative pic. of a beautiful girl.
U try to recognise the girl.
Suddenly u receive a WhatsApp VIDEO CALL from the same no.
3/n 👇🏻
out of curiosity, u receive the video call to know who the person is..
As soon as u receive the video call, u see a girl on the other side..
The process
in which a herbal liquid is poured into the "Drug under preparation"
& is TRITURATED till the liquid dries up(it takes 8-12 hrs), is called
1⃣ #Bhavna/#भावना
It takes around 3 DAYS for 1⃣ Bhavna & other related procedures like Puta (will define it later) to be
Around 5-500 BHAVNAs
15-1500 DAYS
r required for complete preparation of different Ras/Ayurvedic Medicine
Now let's see what most of the pharma companies (not all) do & how it affects the efficacy & final clinical results of the Ayurveda medicines: