Riverside East Solar Energy Zone-ground zero of CA’s solar energy boom [is] 150,000 acres-10 x the size of Manhattan.
It is a crucial component of the US “green energy revolution”.
Solar makes up~3% of US electricity supply, but the Biden admin hopes it will reach 45% by 3/
2050, primarily by building more huge plants like this across the country’s flat, empty plains.”
(Wait ‘til you see what China’s doing as well…) 4/
“But there’s one thing the BLM doesn’t seem to have fully taken into account:👉the desert isn’t quite as empty as it thought.
It might look like a barren wilderness, but the Mojave is a rich & fragile habitat for endangered species & home to 1000-yr-old C-capturing woodlands,5/
“We’re a senior community-1/2 of us now have breathing difficulties because of all the dust churned up by the construction. I moved here for the clean air 6/
but some days I have to go outside wearing goggles. What was an oasis has become a little island in a dead solar sea.”
Concerns have intensified following the recent news of a project, called Easley, that would see the panels come👉just 200 metres from their backyards. 7/
Residents claim that excessive water use by solar plants has contributed to the drying up of two local wells, while their property values have been hit hard 8/
1/ “The Reuters jump-zone analysis highlights a global trend that world leaders need to address “for the future of humanity…Nobody is safe-It will take no time MORE reuters.com/investigates/s…
2/for a disease outbreak to reach anywhere in the world because of international travel & trade.”
The analysis is based on an examination of 95 spillovers in the past 2 decades of viruses found in bats, including Ebola, SARS, Marburg & Nipah. The news agency identified MORE
3/ > 9 million sq km in 113 countries where human alteration of sensitive landscapes has created conditions that closely match those around past spillovers.”
2/ Many bought their products via 3rd parties. Initially I bought mine through Amazon, the directly via The Laundress, so I have receipts.
However, if you don’t have the above, you need to include a photo of the product w/the Lot # and your initials + the date. See notice MORE
3/I personally recommend wearing a well-fitted N95 or better (use surgical tape or silicone tape for seal, double glove, sealed goggles-or tape around your glasses as Pseudomonas is spread by inhalation, eyes, wounds & micro tears.
2/& at high enough levels spreads via contact w/contaminated laundry/sheets/pillowcases/sleepwear, etc.
Pseudomonas also spreads by inhalation & can cause👉CYSTIC FIBROSIS‼️Per Consumer Reports, Pseudomonas a. is a VERY hardy bacteria +can grow in many different conditions.MORE
‼️FFS. "An obscure Family of viruses, endemic in wild African primates & known to cause fatal 👉Ebola like symptoms 👀 in some monkeys, is “poised👉for spillover” to humans, according to new CU Boulder research." 🙀 STOP IT👺 MORE colorado.edu/today/2022/09/…
2/ @pen_is_mighty @denise_dewald
“This animal virus has figured out how to gain access to human cells, multiply & escape some of the important immune mechanisms we would expect to protect us from an animal virus. That’s pretty rare,”
Clears throat-uh, we are animals, that's why.
Didn't I just tweet this😫No...#MedEdBot#IDTwitter
"A receptor, CD163, plays a key role in the biology of simian arteriviruses, enabling the virus to invade & cause infection of target cells. Through a series of laboratory MORE
2/ The current Ebola outbreak is related to what's known as the "Sudan strain," but the virus is spreading in Uganda. "It's worrisome because previous Ebola vaccines & treatments do not work against this strain. The virus can kill as many as 1/2 of those MORE
3/ who get it. Ebola now is spreading in Kampala, Uganda's capital, a densely populated city of > 1.3 M.
"Mortality is high, between 40-50%. So, this is not insignificant."
"The likelihood of us seeing a patient is next to zero.