or it is an imposter.
Either way it is a TOS violation.

Roger Stone has made a public statement that he will use @StoneColdTruth & @infowars Twitter feeds to subvert his suspension.

Roger Stone declared he'll subvert @TwitterSupport suspension using @StoneColdTruth & @infowars

it's clear they are aiding & abeting Roger Stones subversion of Rogers suspension.
1 of 4
2 of 4
3 of 4
4 of 4
These are direct play videos of Roger on Twitter.
Real or imposter, @rogerstone52 violates @TwitterSupport TOS

@rogerjstonejr continues to subvert suspension via @infowars using auto play video
Nov 2
@RealAlexJones is using his personal @ to help @Rogerjstonejr undermine suspension
@rogerjstonejr is very publicly mocking your suspension of him, using ...

Flagrantly using @StoneColdTruth & saying "I need your help ..."
@RogerStone_jr is attacking Don Lemmon again, this time from @StoneColdTruth

Roger Stone is blatantly subverting his suspension with these accounts, or help from others:
Roger Stone blatantly subverting suspension with these accounts:
NEW @stonezonetweets
@RogerStoneGOP (suspended & reactivated)

@jack - the subversion of @RogerJStoneJr @TwitterSafety suspension is beyond obvious:
@jaketapper ➡️@stonezonetweets ⬅️

3 more gone!
One by one @stoneonstyle extra accounts are added to ban.
@StoneColdTruth SUSPENDED
@stonezonetweets SUSPENDED
@rogerstonegop SUSPENDED again

Roger Stone subverting suspension with these accounts:
Broadcasting Roger live on Twitter autoplay right now.
Also using