21 events compressed into a humble #Twitter thread. Enjoy!
The former is an electrical engineer and physicist specializing in analytical and numerical methods. The latter, an academic focused on commutative algebra and category theory.
Click below for more! medium.com/power-ledger/p…
A total of 11 teams received grants for their various project proposals, all of which will improve #Zilliqa's ease of development and UX.
Details here: blog.zilliqa.com/announcing-the…
Activation planned for ~29 October, 2019 (i.e., the one-year anniversary of Sapling's activation). forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/announcing-z…
127,479 total votes. Results available in <12 hours! medium.com/@zcoin/worlds-…
Now, Midas wallet owners can trade @TomoChainANN's token in a cheaper, faster and more secure way!
Network capacity now tracking at an ATH of 122.59 BTC (~$780,000); up 8% MoM.

Per @CoinMarketCap, the circulating supply of #ether is 103,187,648 ETH, meaning ~1% of all circulating $ETH is currently locked away in CDPs (h/t @sassal0x).

Parties more comfortable engaging in #blockchain-based commercial txs, whilst managing risk w/ an #OpenLaw legal agreement. medium.com/@OpenLawOffici…
Scalability and oracles. There, that's two of them 😉 medium.com/swishlabs/the-…
Emphasis on Radar "maintain[ing] the characteristics of a passive online bulletin board," and "a meticulous token compliance process." medium.com/radarrelay/rad…
The basic foundations of the @L4ventures open-source project are built and with it, a new phase is being entered into. Click through to see what's next! medium.com/statechannels/…
Due to the extended wait, the release "amassed an incredibly long list of changes." See them all below. solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/050-…
Aside from a number of updates submitted by #blockchain projects, PoW #46 sees Eric fill us in on the latest #crypto-related reg. developments out of China/Hong Kong. proofofwork.substack.com/p/proof-of-wor…
Brilliantly written for the layperson, Preethi somehow got me to read 'til the end! medium.com/@preethikasire…
Today, a #DEX-specific page! Protocol whitepapers, resources/tools, blog posts. It's all there. Top work, Spenser! messari.io/resource/decen…
Sessions already done on @AugurProject [ $REP ], #Lightning, @Decentraland [ $MANA ] and TCRs. Will roll out over coming weeks. messari.substack.com/p/leveling-up-…
@RiaBhutoria compiled one helluva report on #crypto prediction markets. Also featured: @GnosisPM [ $GNO ] and @STX_Coin [ $STX ].
Terrific work, Ria! circle.com/marketing/pdfs…
Plenty of #Elastos-related details I'd never heard of before, particularly re founder Rong Chen.
They comprehensively cover the market metrics used in the #crypto space, incl. the measurements we may see supplant the flawed market cap metric. Well put-together! blog.nomics.com/essays/crypto-…
Luckily, I compiled a 32-part thread yesterday for all the #blockchain- and #crypto-related goodies I came across throughout Monday/Tuesday. I've left it here.
'Til next time!