You are just flat out lying.
Trump announced Carter Page in March 2016 on his short list of foreign affairs advisors. He picked Page because of his VERY pro-Putin stance, and we know why.…

To deny the strange pro-Putin stance of Trump & Carter is treasonous at this point. Trump picked Carter Page as one of his few foreign affairs advisors to send a message directly & very publicly to Vladimir Putin & Republicans.

To so ridiculously repeat Trump propaganda makes us ask, how much Kompromat does Vladimir Putin have on you? @marcorubio……
@marcorubio this is gaslighting, this is pro-Putin propaganda.
This is a lie.
What turned you into a Trump & Putin apologist after a previously hard line stance in Feb 2016?
What does Putin have on you @marcorubio ?…

you said:
"It's time to pull Trump's mask off so people can see what we are dealing with here," Rubio said. "Friends do not let friends vote for con artists."……
"Marco Rubio attacked Donald Trump at Thursday’s debate for expressing admiration for Vladimir Putin. “Wrong, wrong, wrong!” Trump said, before explaining that it had been the other way around."…
Did you forget everything you said in the campaign? I don't think so?
So what made you flip flop so dramatically @marcorubio ?

Fact: Putin supports Trump & the GOP that is protecting him.
Fact: Putin has attacked our democratic elections in favor of Trump & GOP.
Fact: Trump & GOP are not only refusing to investigate & fund defense of USA, they are defending attackers.…
Fact: @marcorubio, the GOP & Trump are betraying our country & our democratic elections for profit & power.
They are not even trying to hide their treason anymore. #TrumpsTraitors…
In Feb of 2016 you said:
"It's time to pull Trump's mask off so people can see what we are dealing with here," Rubio said. "Friends do not let friends vote for con artists."…

Walid Phares,
Carter Page,
George Papadopoulos,
Joe Schmidt,
Keith Kellogg………
He chose 5 names & named Carter Page second knowing Page was VERY outspoken about being pro-Russia.
This was a CLEAR message to Vladimir Putin that he would do his bidding