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Not as crazy as H-Man or Matango... but it's something special.
And a unique Kaiju as well.
Nice godizilla-ish music.
Some satellite monitoring people chatting to each other with satellite monitoring lingo.
It's always Japan!
"What is that, space fireflies?"
But we know why. Some SPACE AMOEBA just ate the satellite!
Could be trouble!
Cute girl in hot car parked outside a closed jewelry store.
Suspicious cops roust her.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I'm just a hooker" (paraphrase)
They they encounter a man floating sideways down the street
He's pretty "tight" as well.
The cops approach, he drops to the ground.
He's too drunk to explain what's going on.
The crooks are working on a big safe with torches.
The crooks start floating!
The crooks beat feet!
The two cops returns and just start BLAZING AWAY with the their revolvers!
Note that the only thing the cops saw was 4 guys running and entering a car.
Old man in a room by himself fills a plate with diamonds. Pokes at them.
He here's a noise outside. discovers a police detective spying on him.
Old man invites him in.
Pulls gun, whips curtain aside... just shoes.
There's a GAIJIN hiding behind a sofa!!
Detective approaches
The white man easily disarms him, karate chops him and leaves after apologizing to the old man (Dr. Munakata)
Reveals he was following the gaijin, Mark Jackson, because he thought he had something to do with the recent outbreak of diamond thefts all over the world.
He says he's a diamond broker and can help them (with what?)
Crooks think he took their diamonds from the previous night.
Search him and they find Munataka's diamonds.
Muntaka doesn't care about his stolen diamonds - they were synthetics that he made for research.
Crook boss gets a message on his secret radio! (this is a SPECTRE level diamond gang!).
Gets orders to intercept a big diamond shipment coming in that night.
Her brother rushes up to her. He was one of the satellite guys.
"do you hear that noise?"
Other stuff is sucked into weird looking clouds. Mostly the coal stacked outside the power plant.
Meanwhile. the big diamond shipment starts.
Jackson appears going down the same highway - breaking through a feeble roadblock.
They hijack a coal truck and try to use it to blast Jackson off the road.
Would have worked except the coal truck drifts into the sky....
There was also a diamond theft in NY - along with 50,000 tons of missing coal.
They blow him off
"I don't know where you learned your Japanese, but you had a vulgar teacher."
Waaa ha ha ha!
ROCK CANDY! Haaa, Jackson must be having fun in Japan.
(always radiation ...)
"But what about the diamonds"
Munataka has a brainstorm. "Diamonds are carbon - just like coal!!"
A dog-sized Space Amoeba invades Munataka's house and starts melting his safe!
They call it Dogora because why the hell not.
Jackson's going there, the diamonds thieves follow him because they assume the swapped the diamonds with rock candy.
Radar picks up erratic signals of something moving in
Recon plane finds... BEES at 26,000 feet?
some hours later.. it's night.
Detective gives him a hip toss. Jackson gives up - he won't fight against JUDO!
Dogora is on the attack!
A BIG tentacle drifts down from the sky.
(Eichenwald rushes to Kyushu!)
There's a SWEET light pen being used by one of the radar techs. Didn't know they had those in 1964.
More tentacles descend and start flailing around.
No more space amoeba!
Dogora has grown and mutated into A GIANT JELLYFISH!!
The AA guns blast away.
If you've ever seen a Kaiju movie you know what happens next.
Nothing at all (except a light show from the exploding shells)
Dogora: "Nom, nom, nom"
Big explosions....
Dogora isn't on the radar anymore!
They blew it apart!
They seem more dangerous than 1 big jellyfish Dogora.
There's a world wide Dogora problem.
Toxin synthesis montage... Go!
They decide to make a move on Jackson.
The detective shows up first. Then the crooks take them both at gunpoint.
They find a safe deposit box key and deduce the diamonds are in the box!
I have no idea who they bypass the bank security. Maybe they bribe them or something.
The boss crooks is generous
He's going to pay Jackson and the detective for the diamonds.
One crook comes back WITHOUT the diamonds!
The other crook (the hot chick) took the diamonds and ditched him.
The thieves take off in pursuit, leaving behind some dynamite on a burning fuse.
yes, that really happened.
Meanwhile, the AA guns fire for no damn reason.
1,000s of mini-dogoras (amoeba version) suck up megatons of coal.
She doesn't have much of a lead!
Cops shoot the bag of dynamite. Boom!
Boss crook shoots her in the back.
She collapses... clutching spilled diamonds with her dying grasp.
SDF helicopters fly over the Doguras dropping toxin bombs via parachute.
because it's eating fossil fuels!
Dogora corpses start falling out of the sky.
When the Dogoras stop falling, the crooks make a break for it.
More toxin bombs, more chemtrails, more toxin sprayers.
Everything is fine... except for kilotons of wasp venom sprayed in the air all over the planet. I'm sure there'll be no problem with that.
Here's pic of the jellyfish form of Dogora.

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