First, there were two big questions we wanted to explore with this analysis /2
It's a fusion of elements -- Russian, American, people, bots -- heavily overlaid with automation designed to artificially "trend" topics.
We need to understand how computational propaganda & coercive information operations are changing face of US politics. Because they are. /4
# releasethememo amplified very rapidly. This chart shows the speed & lists the earliest adopters, first verified accounts that engaged the hashtag, & the first Republican congressman/candidates that promoted it
Think of “Moraine” as a virtual “guy in a diner” — a way to keep an eye on what Trump’s base is talking about.
That "Queen Covfefe" account is essentially a willing human bot slaved to info ops.
All of this is in first 8 hrs or so of the hashtag. When it explodes, being used 250k times/hour, this is still mostly without the huge right influencers engaged. They catch up on 19th
I'm going to spend the rest of the day dealing with a botswarm. Yay.
(Ps whoever keeps trying to hack my phone, stop. You don't need all those cat photos. I promise)