1. What if the EAGLES win the Super Bowl tonight BIGLY?
Brady refuses to shake Foles hand
He stomps off the field & does NO interviews
Then we wake up tomorrow to the headline:
and then ...

It comes out the Patriots provided the "proof" to the NFL
2 weeks BEFORE the game
The evidence was from investigators hired by the Patriots
Backed up by stories from a Patriot fan sports blog
There would be RIOTS!

Some experts say by +10 pts
Some argue the Patriots cheat to win
Some say the NFL lets them cheat
Sounds like a Presidential election not too long ago
The experts were predicting she COULDN'T lose
Her opponent said things were rigged in her favor
He even alleged the "refs" were in on the "fix"
And then the impossible happened - he won

Her campaign refused to speak to the press
24 hours after the loss, they started the #RussianCollusion plan
They KNEW the FBI was in on it acting as a police arm of the DNC
The plan was for the people to NEVER know

The dossier was from "investigators" hired by the Clinton camapign & DNC
The FISA surveillance would have been shut down but for the dossier
The FBI cited news reports planted by Fusion GPS as "more evidence"
The MSM's telling any LIE they can #HideTheTruth

Never in a million years, they'd be afraid of the backlash
The story laid out in Item 2? They would NEVER accept.
If we would riot over a RIGGED Super Bowl?
Why aren't we "burning down" the coup by the Dems/FBI/MSM?