I live in a communist state along with Jihadis. All my rights are taken away and I needed to beg for food.
No one gives a damn, if I am alive or dead!

My train was set on fire & 59 ppl died. Media, pSeculars, V/Bank politicians all care for the ones died from riot happened in response. No one cared for d ppl died in d train.

A “giant tree fell down” in 1984 and around 8000 people killed including 3000 in Delhi most of them are Sikh brothers. No one came for our rescue. We Sikhs are not counted?

Killing of Hindus go unabated in commie land and many mothers like this are crying for justice. But, no one cares as if we don’t exist.


Pseudo liberals, Seculars, Commies… many of them who want my religion to be wiped out, but want my temple wealth. My TEMPLES are looted for centuries and still continuing.
I have no freedom to have my own educational institutions; my rights taken away in the name of Secularism in d name of RTE.
My opinions, feeling, existence have no value!


My rights are taken away and resources given to others in the name of protecting them.

Liberals attack me, target me, and abuse me. I have no one to support my voice. Do I not exist?

I am kept poor by the system, I have no food to eat and then I am killed like Madhu.
Do I have any rights?

No one cares till then, because we are not united and we are not vote banks.

Let’s UNITE and RAISE OUR VOICE, let them hear us, invisibles.
Let’s all not get lynched like Madhu, one day!

Thou I'm neglected by V/Bk politicians
Thou I'm swindled by united 'others'
Thou my temples are still being looted
Thou RTE suppresses my rights..
Atleast this's uniting us in d ground. We are also coming up in d chart.
