2. Anti-Semite replies "but Israel," as if that justifies Farrakhan's hate, then calls for Jesus to cast "wicked spirit" out of the Jew
3. Linda Sarsour interjects to defend … the anti-Semite

"Don't praise, patronize, or take adulatory selfies with a guy who says Jews are the 'synagogue of Satan' and did 9/11" is the lowest of low bars.
If you can't manage it, don't pretend to care about anti-Semitism.
"It's triggering and they must be kicked out."
*Women's March chairs take selfies w/ Farrakhan, attend speech where he says Jews are Satanic and use Hollywood to make people trans.*
"Pipe down, Jews. Here, have some nuance."
Maybe some people on the far-left just don't like Jews and use really transparent excuses to cover for it.
Yeah, let's go with that.


-Firsthand sources recount anti-Semitic statements from the co-chairs behind the scenes
-Multiple sources—and Linda Sarsour's own FB feed—confirm the chairs' used Farrakhan's Nation of Islam for security