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Judd Legum @JuddLegum
, 7 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
1. You may have wondered in the last few days why @FedEx was sticking with the NRA while virtually every other national company jumped ship.

We've obtained a confidential internal company document that helps explain.
2. Publicly, FedEx is trying to distance themselves from the NRA, even releasing a new statement today tying them to UPS.

Privately, they are doing whatever they can to corner the gun shipping business
3. UPS only allows handguns to be shipped by overnight shipping. Publicly, FedEx has the exact same policy.

But the document obtained by ThinkProgress shows they've cut a special deal to bend their policy for major gun manufacturers and the NRA itself.
4. The entities listed on the document
-- including major gun manufacturers, the NRA, and other big players in the industry -- are allowed to ship two day air, which is a huge cost savings.
5. According to a FedEx source, this confidential policy was implemented within the last 5 years to fend off increased competition from UPS.
6. What this really shows is how much FedEx values its gun shipping business. While their public statements try to put distance between the company and the NRA and the gun industry, privately, they are working very closely together.
7. Was FedEx concerned that if it dropped the NRA it would lose out on gun shipping from manufacturers (which are the NRA's biggest supporters).

We've asked them and will let you know if we hear anything.
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