PS: Also shout out to @karthikb351 for being the kuruvi and transporting a package of record proportions. 😘😛

Mini-HDMI to HDMI cable from ancient Sony camera bundle found.

Also, super confusing of Microsoft to have both batteries align in the same direction. This is literally the only device I've ever seen that does this.

Also, ~30 sec. boot time into Win 10 for a 7.5 year old machine really isn't shabby. Proud of my baby.

USB 2.0 ports on this ancient Gigabyte motherboard work, despite Oculus specs saying it needs 2 USB 3.0 ports. Forums say it will work, but tracking might not be as accurate.

Good thing - no other errors thrown up yet.
1. eGPU + laptop ruled out for now because of prohibitory cost of eGPUs.
2. Need to evaluate the minimum upgrades required to this desktop (which has been ruled functional) to let it power the Rift and deliver a decent experience. Upgrades I see so far are:
Need to ideally find a GTX 1060 6GB card that doesn't cost a bomb. Thanks to the crypto mining craze, that's going to be hard. Reddit has a great thread on this - basically prices are inflated by 50%-100%! So need to find a great deal, or go down 2nd hand route.

Have a 450W power supply, which might not be enough.
While sensors will run on USB 2.0, conventional wisdom seems to be that you need at least 2 sensors running on USB 3.0. These expansion cards are just about Rs. 1k, so seems like a worthwhile upgrade. amazon.in/dp/B003MVJG8Q/…
Have work in Central Bangalore, so going to squeeze in a stop at the mythical SP Road to try find a good deal on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060. First stop: Golchha Computers. golchhait.com
OLX/Quikr - there be scammers
Techenclave and Erodov - Great enthusiast communities. But classifieds deals on the exact hardware I want are few and far between + sellers know value of what they're selling.
h/t @booleanbalaji for the techenclave.com and erodov.com reccos

Complete badly timed Windows update ❌

- Core i5 760 just isn't cutting it
- MoBo USB host controller getting overwhelmed (USB 3.0 PCIe card may help?)
- New GeForce driver has broken Rift compatibility (please let it be this!) pcgamesn.com/nvidia-driver-…
Foiled for now, will try again in the morning.
This is arriving today (cheapest of the upgrades), so we shall see if USB issues did us in. Will also try run VRMark to see if it can help me divine what the issue is.

Also, @DunzoIt to the rescue! I truly think I've become Bangalorean today.

Last time I truly nondified inside a PC was in 2012, helping build @alokpi 's PC.
Wish me luck.

Also if you were wondering, yes, that's a baby changing mat under the CPU. As it turns out they're a great surface for this kind of work. Just soft enough, static free.

(Does the SMPS looks like a stylised Medusa's head to anyone else? Just me then?)

Need to retool cabinet slightly to receive the larger new board.
Fits snug as a bug in a rug. The power of standards never ceases to amaze me. This is an 8 year old cabinet, perfectly accommodating the latest generation Intel X370 chipset.

Stock cooler OTOH is underwhelming, will replace it with something better soon. Comes with thermal paste pre-applied.

Just one last step left - add in the older DDR3 RAM...

#afsos #FML #SinkholeForMoney

Hope the partner is ok.
Does this mean there will be a 3rd Dunzo guy completing this task?

Components replaced: GPU, motherboard, processor, RAM
Components retained (for now): Cabinet, SMPS, HDDs, optical drive (lol)

Yes, I could have done with more sleep, thank you for asking.
On the left we have the now-discarded RAM of youth. Sleek, sexy, raging against the dying of the light.
On the right we have the RAM of one's 30s. Doesn't wear pants unless absolutely necessary. Has god picture (?!).

That LED lighting on the board 👌🏼 💯
All components appear to have been properly installed. Except didn't hear the PC speaker beep on bootup. Might have reversed polarity on the connectors.

Installing VRMark to stress test and benchmark the PC before trying to use the Rift. Don't want any surprises.

Have spent only about a half hour total in VR, but I could sense myself going into a flow state within minutes.
It's a transcendent experience. Everyone needs to try this.

No, that's not a stylised butterfly. That's a cracked liquid crystal display. 😭
A slightly expensive lesson in VR safety, this. Thankfully no one was hurt.
OK bye now.