1. There are games that literally give people the ability to score points for committing mass murder; where you get extra points for finishing someone off who's lying on the ground begging for their life.

It's the same as pornography.
They have desensitized people to the value of human life,
to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency"
Brown v Entertainment Merchants Association
"..to restrict the sale of violent video games to minors would be a violation of the 1st Amendment right to 'free speech'."
hmmm...free speech?
(like; Penthouse? or Rappers spitting &celebrating actual killing of police officers?, or perhaps they mean the repeated use of the "N" word in nearly every music video?)
they could
"blast their opponent with an unpleasant noise."
participants who played violent games
blasted their opponents in the secondary task for much longer,
which was interpreted as
"an increase in aggressive behavior."
The more you play, the more aggressive you become:
A long-term experimental study of cumulative violent video game effects on hostile expectations & aggressive behavior.
& found those who played violent video games over a long period of time showed increased development of aggressive behaviors.
Developmental Psychology, Vol 48(4), Jul 2012, 1044-1057
"That game was basically kill everything that moves"
said the creator of a game called "Doom"
& those who played w/Eric Harris (schl shooter) say
"he created a game level based on Columbine HS's floor plan" extras.denverpost.com/news/shot0504f…
- Which ironically were used in the real attack on students of Columbine HS, These bombs were made by, and became a key element in, Harris & Klebold's real April 20 ,1999 mass murder of their peers. edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/…
They use their "Free Speech" to create an "Artful" violent video game called:
"Super Columbine Massacre RPG"
a FREE Role Playing Game (RPG) for your PC
via @YouTube
"Re-Live that day through the eyes of Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold"
(the 2 responsible for the first deadliest school shooting in American history.)
Now ask yourself this:
~Is this Really a Game?
~Freedom of Speech?
~Your Child's 'Babysitter' for 2-4 hrs day/7 days wk?
via @YouTube
Now add Ritalin
No Dad
No God
No Morals
No Consequences
No Kidding.