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Jun 5th 2023
Thread: The Electoral College: Thwarting Direct Democracy and Enabling Minority Tyranny 🗳️⚖️

1️⃣Let's talk about the Electoral College and how it impacts our democracy. 🇺🇸 #ElectoralCollege #DirectDemocracy #MinorityTyranny Image
2️⃣ The Electoral College is an outdated system that distorts the principle of "one person, one vote." 🙅‍♂️🗳️ It gives disproportionate power to states with smaller populations, diminishing the voice of the majority. #OnePersonOneVote #RepresentationMatters Image
3️⃣ Under the Electoral College, candidates focus on swing states while largely ignoring others. This means that citizens in non-battleground states often feel neglected and their concerns overlooked. 🗺️⚖️ #SwingStates #NeglectedVoices Image
Read 11 tweets
May 9th 2023
A thread. 1/11

An elected head of state is accountable, democratic, representative, cost effective. It provides stability, legitimacy, transparency, adaptability, and unity.

@RepublicStaff @GrahamSmith_ #NotMyKing

Accountability matters. An elected head of state is answerable to the people who voted them in. #accountability #democracy

Democracy is the bedrock of a free society. An elected head of state reflects the people's will, chosen through a fair and transparent process. #democracy #fairness
Read 11 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Good morning from Men’s Centex! There are lots of great games this round and I’ll be hustling to cover as many as possible at this large complex.

The stream for this round is Middlebury from the people’s division (D-III) versus @TUultimate
There’s a dog tent here I repeat there’s a dog tent here
Oh dear they’re frisbee dogs. This will not do well to distance ultimate from “the thing with the dogs.” #liveultimate #legitimacy
Read 4 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
#NFT ticketing has all the ingredients necessary to create an overnight boom for mainstream NFT adoption.

Here’s how 🧵👇
In business, there are two types of services:

💊 Vitamins - Add benefits to a customer’s life

💉 Pain Killers - Remove a problem that the customer cannot stand dealing with

The best services, companies or technology use cases do both.

🧵 (1/17)
☠️ Let’s start with the PAIN: Fake Tickets ☠️

To illustrate the scale of this problem, let’s look at a near #riot that broke out as a result of fake tickets just 2 months ago.

🧵 (2/17)
Read 18 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
1] The key thing to read from this cryptic tweet is that there's a #Leadership vacuum in the so called #MDC of #Tsvangirai

Knowing too well that some #MDC-T supporters feel very strongly against her, the intention is to politically pronounce that #Khupe is a transitional Leader.
2] It's hilarious for EM, who accepted an appointment outside #Congress, to lecture #MDC-T supporters on #Khupe's #2014Congress #legitimacy

Defeats the whole purpose of the new argument

Why does it matter now?

Had the powers of #Congress #legitimacy been lost to him all long?
3] Back to the cryptic tweet..

EM is making political notification to MDC-T supporters, that MaKhupe should be accommodated for the duration of the EOC preparations.

Politically,it cannot happen.

There is no judgement that can erase the political realities of the past 2 years.
Read 8 tweets
May 24th 2020
1] At face value, you would think, we need to fully open #Parliament.

Gov needs to be kept on check.

Policy discussion & dissemination of info,all point towards the need to #ReopenZimParliament

However,the more you watch it, the less you're convinced we need Parliament at all.
2] Was laughing at #Mwonzora as he castigated #MDC_A #MPs who have defied his court granted authority, to continue going to #Parliament.

His argument was, gvt needs to be kept in check.

A few hours back, #ZiyambiZiyambi had embarrassingly belittled him in that same #Parliament.
3] If #Mwonzora is to be honest with himself, he hasn't achieved anything in that #Parliament as #Senator.

Not even because he isn't effective, but because the people they are supposed to be playing #watchdog on, are just unrelenting.

You barely see any meaningful engagements.
Read 8 tweets
May 22nd 2020
China abandons GDP target for first time in decades. Historical decision, significance goes beyond current COVID-19 crisis. (1/5) #GDP #China #TwoSessions
Very wise to drop GDP target. Many, including Liu He, probably want to see it disappear permanently. But GDP target much more than a policy goal. GDP growth = foundation CCP's legitimacy for over 30 yrs. Scrapping 2020 target also affects CCPs long-term promises and goals.. (2/5)
What is next? Do GDP targets (including long term 2020-target) permanently disappear? Simply postpone achieving 'moderately prosperous society' for 1 year? Or further redefine this long-term goal? Shift to (more) environment, health, well-being targets? (3/5)
Read 5 tweets

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