Second, @wwwCISorg was forged in a white nationalist lab. I know they're your base, but they've got you eating out of their hand. I thought you didn't answer to anybody.
Third, for anyone interested in real data:
No border agency has asked for a wall. It's expensive. It won't work.
Those who think illegal immigration costs money should be the first to speak out against the cost of the wall. It's the most expensive option.
Planes can fly above walls.
You see, you're getting your info from a group that spends much time trying to convince the country they're not a bunch of xenophobes.
But their founder was.
No one you do business with would agree with him. He's an anachronistic joke.
How about you vet your own policy people the way you want to vet all immigrants and aspiring Americans?
The economy hurts and Americans lose jobs without immigration. You of all people should know that.

We need, and demand, comprehensive #ImmigrationReform for all aspiring Americans and citizens.
We demand a #ProsperousBorder.
Whoever doesn't agree, we will #VoteThemOut.
We've tried it your way for years. Move over.