"The 'Brexit dividend' is a myth and the media should stop pretending it exists"
Brexit Laura: @bbclaurak 🤡
"Those pesky forecasts?
Well, they turn out to be wrong most of the time."
Reality. Now:
This company is having trouble understanding how Brexit not imposing sanctions on UK firms compared to EU rivals?
Perhaps you could explain that: "pesky forecasts"
are: "wrong most of the time".
This company has moved 75% to the EU due to the future loss of access to the Single Market.
He probable beens you to explain about those "pesky forecasts"
being: "wrong most of the time".
This farm has moved to China due to Brexit.
Perhaps you would explain about the: "pesky forecasts"
being: "wrong most of the time".
This is a SME that exports 66% to the EU
They are quite worried Laura and really do need proper information.
** NOW **
Perhaps explain to them about the: "pesky forecasts"
being: "wrong most of the time".
This is an expert in the global supply chain.
He has serious worries about JIT (Just In Time)
Now called: Just Too Late
He thinks it is economic suicide.
No "pesky forecasts" here.
This company ships frozen goods to the EU. They thaw in 48 hours.
He does not understand your "pesky forecasts"
or how the lack of a Customs Union will not cause massive tailbacks.
The thing that I don't understand about your joking use
of the term: "pesky forecasts" is that it is not funny & not professional.
It is serious, real and it is happening now.
Brexit is now costing £340m + per week, 1% of GDP & lowering wages.
This is someone who takes forecasts more professionally and is now dealing with the reality.
A large issue is the lack of standards due to the
loss of the Single Market.
This company uses the agreements setup by the EU to import from the Far East.
He understands that his costs will rise by 13% outside of the EU
even though your "pesky forecasts" may be right.
That is going to cost real issues.
This company ships specialist electronic devices as part of a service around Europe Middle East and Africa.
They are very worried about the extra expense and hassle.
This company read your "pesky forecasts".
Then left.
They took with them tech talent, tax, investment and future revenue streams.
They are pissed off.
This is UK tech. They have companies in the UK worth £5bn.
They read your "pesky forecasts" and then took a train to Paris.
This is Samsung.
They read your "pesky forecasts" and then invested in France.
This is Lush who used to be based in Poole.
They are now in Germany.
They did read your "pesky forcasts". Then they left.
Funnily enough, the EU staff moved with them, some were going back to their original homes.
This is Frankfurt. It is a quarter the size of London
It is located in the EU that has trade deals with 70+ other countries & the largest market in the world
London will not be in the EU in a year.
Staff start moving on Monday.