1) This is the first – and maybe the last – time I will tawk here directly about a bit of practical wizardry. The material was growing into a missive, but I decided to make it more widely available because context.
Treading here is devised to make you so uncomfortable that you itch, you hurt for action – and the potential for a painful showdown with the world.
The value is in letting intuition relate them to actual experience and test their usefulness against the world.
ἦθος ἀνθρώπῳ δαίμων
This is the Foundation and the Firmament.

We take deliberate action (“control”) with exposure to the world (“context”). We then use categories, filters, frames and other semantic constructs to interpret the signal and inform future action.
An iterative process of becoming.
(Examples in embedded thread.)
> Control is from repeated, customary action, sustained in authenticity.
> Context is from the habitat of action, where it typically takes place.
> Category is from manifestation, outward appearance & bearing.
Directed action creates more of what’s going to happen. Momentum is no longer a push into the present, but a powerful draw from what’s coming.
The useful definition of control is as an ability to take deliberate, directed action. Which is why control is critical to having power over the world. Which is why a strong Will to Power is essential.
There is no paradox.
Blind action can be much worse than inaction.
Context is the action-relevant portion of the complex environment.
Which makes context important to power.
They let us focus on what is most relevant to taking action in a particular situation and the appropriate manifestation of power.
Imbeciles use categories instead of risky action to construct identities.
So they can fit themselves into the comforts of consensus.
They grow no character, no will, no direction.

Instead of the useful thing, cowards & imbeciles do the easy thing, which is to derive context from categories & group identity. That's how you get delusion & mass hysteria.
And retreat deeper into fakehood.
Function is about action in context.
This is why authentic knowledge comes from doing, not from sitting in lecture halls.
This is why the authenticity of ἦθος, not semantic identities, defines your character.
Because then you are delusional on your own & no survival benefit from consensus: you're blind & helpless.
In creating yourself, you're making the world. There is no paradox. This is the timeless way.
But is it the fire that keeps you alive through the Chusetts winter or the fire that incinerates entire towns in the Fornia summer?
This is the essence of what's called “having a center”. It's experienced when the need for center is removed.
You only need to understand others’ frames to get the behavior of the crowd.
Directing optionality is like making the world smile. It opens up, light fills everything.
That’s a big reason many people get lonely and bitter in their old age – because they realize what they lived was fake and fragile. That’s where regret comes from.
You made a mistake. So what? Make good on it – and four times over. Never apologize. MAKE IT RIGHT & take the lesson.
FIRST you deconstruct media narratives, corporate narratives and narratives parachuted by your parents/family etc.
Understand who is trying to control you, how and why.
SECOND you don't allow xeno-narratives to thwart your growth.
Use your own narratives to fuel action, deliberate (not reckless!) risk-taking and more action. Build ἦθος.
THIRD into deeply authentic action until you no longer need narrative – it fades into the momentum of your living, of the world you create, of what you make of and for yourself.
Value doesn't grow on easy.
Get it?